The Cinnamon Tree
By Aubrey Flegg
7 Communication Arts

Layered Curriculum Designed by
Mrs. Debbie Anne B. Barretto
Ronald H. Brown Charter School
Harrisburg, PA

Let us embark on a literary journey with Yola on The Cinnamon Tree. On our journey, we will be doing a lot of exciting things that will help you earn points. Our goal is to get a score of 100 points. I know you can do it!

Remember the following things:
·    You have to get 40 points in Layer C to get to Layer B
·    You have to get 30 points in Layer B to get to Layer A
·    You have to get 30 points in Layer A
·    Fill in the Score Sheet

Enjoy your journey with Yola!

Layer C: Basic Knowledge
- You have to earn 40 points in Layer C

__________ 1. Read the book; log it in your Reading Log (10 pts.)
__________ 2. Reading Comprehension Questions (10 pts)

Your Choice:
__________ 3. Make a Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle (10 pts.)
__________ 4. Make a time line of Yola’s life (10 pts.)
__________ 5. Make a booklet. Write a summary for every 3 chapters, and make a drawing to represent the chapters. (20 pts.)
__________ 6. Make a storyboard for The Cinnamon Tree. It has to have at least 8 cells, with illustration and a summary. (10 pts.)
__________ 7.  Write a report about the author, Aubrey Flegg. (10 pts.)

Layer B: Application
    - You have to earn 30 points in Layer B

__________ 1. Write a summary of The Cinnamon Tree (10 pts.)

Your Choice:
__________ 2. Write a diary from Yola’s point of view. Include dates and locations. Must have at least 5 journal entries. (10 pts.)
__________ 3. Role-play your favorite scene in the story. Dress-up, and use correct accent. (10 pts.)
__________ 4. Write a song or poem about Yola’s Life. (10 pts.)
__________ 5. Make a comic strip of an event in the story (10 pts.)
__________ 6. Choreograph a dance about Yola’s life. (10 pts.)

Layer A: Critical Thinking and Analysis
    - You have to earn 30 points in Layer A


_________ 1. Write an advocacy essay about landmines. (10 pts.)

Your Choice:
_________ 1. Character Analysis- Analyze the characters in the story (Yola, Gabbin, Sindu, Chief Abonda, Fintan)  (10 pts.)
_________ 2.  Make a book review. Be sure to include what the book is about, what you liked about the book, and the message of the author. (10 pts.)
_________ 3. Write about how it will be like to live as a victim of landmine. Include feelings of hardships, and ways to cope. (10 pts.)
_________ 4. Draw a picture of Yola’s life. (10 pts.)
_________ 5. Interview with Yola. Write 5 questions that you would like to ask Yola, and write Yola’s possible responses. (10 pts.)
_________ 7. Create a game using the story as material (10 pts.)
_________ 8. Make a presentation about landmines; its effects and efforts to stop landmines. (10 pts.)

The Cinnamon Tree Score Sheet
Activity Date Accomplished Score Student’s Initial

Teacher’s Initial