Teacher: Janice Gregg Martin
Subject: Language Arts
Unit of Instruction: Verbs (Chapters 15, 20, and 22)
Implementation Date: February 16

Layered Curriculum Lesson Plan Form             Name________________ 

Objective 1: Identify and develop an understanding of verbs and employ them effectively in writing and other performance tasks
Objective 2: Compose using vivid and precise language and varied sentence structures
Objective 3: Identify and develop an understanding of verb tense and agreement and employ them effectively in writing and other performance tasks
Objective 4: Identify and develop an understanding of verbals (participles, gerunds, and infinitives) and employ them effectively in writing and other performance tasks.


C Layer:48 pts  

Projected finish date is Friday 2/25/11 

Task One is Required then Pick Three Tasks From Tasks 2-9 to Complete Layer C

Bloom’s Taxonomy:

Knowledge & Comprehension 

    1. Participate in daily classroom instruction. This will include lecture notes and participation in whole class activities. Required
2.  Create a poem that describes a “recipe” for achieving or accomplishing something.  I will provide the basic format to use.   Use vivid imperative verbs as you write your “recipe”.

3.  Create a Caricature for one of the verb types (action, linking, or helping).  Name your caricature in a way that relates to the verb type you chose and include at least five examples as part of your drawing. 

4.  Complete a Worksheet Packet you must score an 80 – 100% or you will need to complete another packet after reviewing the content.

5.  Working with a partner or small group (no more than four) write and perform a cheer that includes at least five vivid verbs.

6.  Using an active voice (as opposed to passive), write a news story or narrative about an event in your family, community, or school. 

7.  Create a cartoon (or use a different storytelling medium) that shows how the three different kinds of verbs came into being or where they explain their function. 

8.  Partner with another person and using index cards have the one partner create four complete subjects and the other create four complete predicates (use the present tense of the verb in at least two of the four predicates). Put your subjects and predicates together and notice when you have agreement between the subject and verb and when you don’t. Rearrange them so you have agreement or correct so that they do agree.  Remember you must agree in tense and number.   Create another set of sentences with partners switching jobs.

9. Imagine that you are leading an expedition to an unchartered island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Write an entry in your captain’s log, describing part of your journey. Use some of the troublesome in Section 22.3 in your entry.

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B Layer: 24 pts

Projected Completion Date is Thursday, March 3

Pick Two Tasks to Complete Layer B

Bloom’s Taxonomy:

Application & Analysis

1.  In a way verbs are used to tell time. Write a short story where you are in control of verb tense (or time). Pick a tense (past, present, or future) for your story and when you are finished add a sentence or two telling me why you chose that time period (tense) for your story.  How did it make your story stronger?

2.  Compare and contrast action, linking, and helping verb. Use a graphic organizer to show your comparisons. Include a written explanation of your comparisons.

3.  Verbs are amazing and can change form to function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs (these are called verbals and are words made from verbs such as infinitives, gerunds, and participles).  Write a shape poem using participle phrases, participles, and vivid verbs.  Or Write a poem about a noun of your choice using only participles to describe the noun.

4.  Use verbs to describe three animals and three plants in paragraph form. Include examples of all three verb types (underline) in your descriptions. Choose two of the verbs in your descriptions and explain why they are the best verbs you could use to describe your plant and/or animal.

5.   Write a story about any place in the world or in outer space that you would like to explore someday.  Underline the verbs you use.  Try to use all three types of verbs and verb tenses as you write.

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A Layer: 12pts 

Projected test date is Tuesday, March 8 and all other activities or retest will need to be completed by Wednesday 3/9/11 

Pick One Task to Complete 

Bloom’s Taxonomy:

Synthesis & Evaluation

1.  Shakespeare wrote a famous soliloquy for the title character in Hamlet (“To be or not to be…..).  In this speech (I will provide the whole soliloquy for you), Shakespeare uses several infinitives that aid the rhythm and flow of the speech.  Study the speech and his use of infinites and then rewrite it in modern-day language.  Make sure you include infinites in your revision.  You may work with a partner.

2.  Take a test over the material covered in class (Chapters 15 and 22).  You must score an 80% or better on the test to receive the full 12 points.  If you don’t score an 80% or better you will need to retake the test (different test) after reviewing the content and score an 80% or better for a maximum of 75% credit (9/12 points will be awarded).  If you are not successful the second time the process is repeated again (after additional instruction) and the most you will award is 50% of the points (6/12).

3.  Write the lyrics for a song (use a tune that you are familiar with) that will help others remember and express all or parts of what we learned (verb types, agreement,  and/or verbals) during our study of verbs

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Layer C:    Task #1 (Lectures and Class Participation – Required) ____/12,            Task #     ____/12,         Task #     ____/12,       Task #     _____/12,                                       Total _____/48 C Layer  


Layer B:  Task # ____/12,                Task #   ______/12                    Total _____/24 B Layer    

Layer A: Task # _____/12       Total _____/12 A Layer