Inside the Atom

Joan Johnson and Kyla Dufrene
 Waxahachie Jr. High

Name Due Date: Your Score /90max

Unit Two: Inside the Atom and The Periodic Table (assignments with an "*" are REQUIRED and will be done as a class)

Day One: Models of the Atom

Do Two

*1. Listen to the lecture/take notes (5pts)

2. Reinforcement Worksheet, chapter 2 section 1 (5pts)

3. Foldable, p. 29 (5 pts)

Days Two and Three: The Nucleus

Do Three

*1. Listen to the lecture/take notes (5pts)

2. Mini-Lab Activity, p. 37 (5 pts)

3. Reinforcement Worksheet, chapter 2 section 2 (5 pts)

4. Ch. 2 Vocabulary Flashcards ­ list on page 55 (10 pts)

Day Four:

Do Two

*1. Listen to the lecture/take notes (5pts)

2. Foldable, p. 59 (5 pts)

3. Reinforcement Worksheet, chapter 3 section 1 (5 pts)

4. Problem Solving Activity, p. 65 (5 pts)

Day Five:

Do Two

*1. Listen to the lecture/take notes (5pts)

2. Make a poster of photos and drawings that illustrate the importance of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen in our lives. (5 pts)

3. Make a model of an atom. (10 pts)

Day Six:

Do Two

*1. Listen to the lecture/take notes (5pts)

2. Choose an element off the periodic table and design an ad to sell the element. Include its uses and persuade someone why they need to buy it. (10 pts)

3. "Practice with the Periodic Table" ws (5 pts)

Days Seven & Eight:

Do One or Two

1. Chapter 3 Vocabulary Flashcards ­ list on page 85 (10 pts)

2. Missing Person Activity (20 pts)

3. Chapter 3 Review Questions # 1 ­ 19, page 86-87 (10 pts)

Day Nine: B Layer Lab Activity (10 pts)

Choose One

1. Design a way to determine if a substance is a metal or nonmetal. Test your design on at least 5 different materials.

2. Water is added to baking powder and a gas is given off. What is the gas, and how would you test your hypothesis?

Day Ten: A Layer Activity (15 pts)

Choose One

1. Should the United States be concerned about our nuclear power plants?

2. Should fluoride be used in toothpaste? Write a letter to a toothpaste manufacturer giving reasons why they should or should not continue to fluoridate toothpaste.

3. Do heavy metals and other chemicals pose a threat to the health of humans? (pp. 80 ­ 81 in your textbook give some good ideas of how to start and organize your research)

Grade Scale: 80­89pts = C 90­99pts = B 100--114 pts = A

70 -79 = C 80-89 = B 90-100 = A