Newton's Laws of Motion and Waves
Joan Johnson and Kyla Dufrene
Waxahachie Jr.
Name _____ Class _____ Due Date:
Total Points: __________
Unit Five: Newton's Laws of Motion and Waves
C Layer: Maximum 89 points in this section
1. Listen to the lecture, take notes. (5 pts/day) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. Math Skills pages 156 & 158 (10 pts)
3. Explore p. 153 (10 pts)
4. Mini Lab, p. 157 (10 pts)
5. Compare/contrast distance and displacement - see group folder (5 pts)
6. Math Skills p. 165 (5 pts)
7. Lab Activity, p. 171; answer Conclude and Apply questions (10 pts)
8. Calculations of Motion w.s. (10 pts)
9. Working with examples of motion w.s. (10 pts)
10. Mini Lab p. 174; 3 trials and chart required (10 pts)
11. Lab activity pages 176-177 (15 pts)
12. Identifying Forces worksheet packet (15 pts)
13. Poster; p. 183 #21 (10 pts)
14. Chapter Review worksheet - Chapter 6 (10pts)
15. Reinforcement worksheet packet Chapter 6 (20 pts)
16. Chapter 6 Enrichment w.s. Section 1 (10 pts)
17. Chapter 6 Assessment pages 182-183; 1-19 (10 pts)
18. Vocabulary Flashcards list on page 181 (10 pts)
19. Action and Reaction Lab Activity - Lab manual, pages 33-35 (10 pts)
20. Foldable; p. 185 (5 pts.)
21. Crossword Puzzle Waves (10 pts)
22. Compare/contrast mechanical waves see group folder (5 pts)
23. Reinforcement worksheet packet Chapter 7 (15 pts)
24. Enrichment worksheet packet Chapter 7 (15 pts)
25. In a group of 2-4, design and perform a skit which "teaches" the differences between speed, velocity, and acceleration. (15 pts)
26. Chapter 7 Assessment pages 21-211, 1-19 (10 pts)
27. Chapter Review worksheet Chapter 7 (10 pts)
B Layer: Choose one ONLY--10 points
1. Roller Coaster Activity: This goes with #1 of the A Layer. Get the information packet from your teacher.
2. Design and test a Spaghetti Tower.
A Layer: Choose one ONLY 15 points
1. Roller Coaster Activity: This goes with #1 of the B Layer. Get the information packet from your teacher.
2. Interview a police officer about how a radar gun is able to track how fast a person is driving. Submit your "typed" interview (your questions and the police officer's answers).
3. The majority of traffic accidents are caused by people who break the speed limit laws. Devise a "system" which would greatly reduce the amount of speeding by cars/people.
Grade Scale: 80 89 pts = C 90 99 pts = B 100+ pts = A
70 -79 = C 80-89 = B 90-100 = A