Earth Science
By Mr. Jody Paramore
South Central High School
Greenville, NC
NAME: _______________________________________
UNIT TOPIC: Oceanography
Approximate time unit will last: ~2 weeks
Tentative Due Date: Friday, April 23rd
Objectives (what are we learning in this unit?):
4.03 Analyze the mechanisms for generating ocean currents:
Deep ocean circulation.
Planetary wind belts.
4.05 Assess the formation and breaking of waves and their effect on
shorelines, particularly the
North Carolina coast.
4.06 Evaluate environmental issues and solutions for North Carolina's wetlands, inland, and tidal environments:
Fresh and brackish water marsh.
4.07 Evaluate the phenomena of upwelling in the oceans and its
influence on weather.
4.08 Evaluate the ecological services provided by a healthy ocean:
A carbon sink.
The largest watershed.
Climate control.
A: 172-200
B: 143-171
C: 112-142
D: 83-111
"C" Layer-Section I / Basic Understanding (130 pts. MAX, must choose 120 pts. to move to Section II)
*Assignment #20 is the only required assignment. All other assignments are your choice.
Notes (listen & take notes, study them, show them to Mr. Paramore for oral defense)
1. Ocean current notes (5 pts.)
2. Wave notes (5 pts.)
3. Estuary/Salt marsh notes (5 pts.)
Videos (watch all the video, take 20 quality notes on things you didn't know, & study them for oral defense)
4. "Lincoln's Secret Weapon" (10 pts.)
5."Killer Wave" (10 pts.)
6. "Waves, Beaches, & Coasts" (10pts.)
Article Summaries (rd. the daily article summary on the screen up front, summarize the article)
7. Maximum of 5 article summaries (2 pts./day, 10 points total)
Computer Activities (complete the activity, study your work, bring to Mr. P. for oral defense)
8. Virtual Field Trip: Oceans (10 pts.)
9. Ocean Internet Activity (10 pts.)
10. Salt Marsh/Estuary Internet Activity (10 pts.)
11. Watch "Measuring Waves" & "Ocean Current" movies. Be prepared for defense. (5 pts.)
12. Create a short PowerPoint file on salt marshes. (10 pts.)
Vocabulary (study and bring to Mr. P. for oral defense to earn
13. Make flashcards for the following words using any textbook you'd
like: oceanographer,
salinity, crest, trough, wavelength, tsunami, surface current, deep
current, upwelling, salt marsh,
estuary (10 pts.)
14. Write an autobiography. Include your name, age, your best physical feature, your favorite food, your favorite place to eat, describe your best friend and why, two conflicts you have in your life, where you go to feel the safest, and what you want to be doing five years from now. Write another autobiography. This time you are a baby fish in the Tar/Pamlico estuary. (15 pts.)
15. Write at least a 5 sentence paragraph explaining the diff. between a surface and deep current. (5 pts.)
16. Write at least a 5 sentence paragraph describing what a wave is and its parts. Your paragraph can be in any language OTHER than English. (10 pts.)
17. Write a creative story of a water molecule in a wave or a
current. (10 pts.)
18.Read a section from any textbook related to the objectives listed for this unit. Outline the key concepts and be prepared to answer questions about that section. (10 pts.)
19. Complete the ocean worksheets and be prepared to give an oral defense about them. (10 pts.)
20. Complete the open book test on oceans. Study your answers for an oral defense (15 pts.)
21. Find any ocean article in a magazine or newspaper. Read and
summarize the article. Cut the
article out and bring it in. Be prepared for questioning! (5 points)
Fine Arts
22. Write a play that is centered around one of the 5 unit objectives. Must be written in a play format so that any two people could act it out. (10 pts.)
23. Create a posterboard presentation, mobile, or collage that
explains all 5 of the unit objectives.
(15 pts.)
24. Complete the "Temperature Effects and Surface Currents" coloring activity (10 pts.)
25. Complete the "Egg-cellent Experiment" at home. Be prepared for
an oral defense the next
day. (15 pts.)
"B" Layer-Section II / Application of Knowledge (Choose one for 30 points, must complete before moving
to Section III)
(An experiment MUST be carried out to help solve whatever problem you choose. A lab report should be completed with the experiment. The report should include a hypothesis, complete procedures explaining what you did, and an explanation and analysis of your conclusions. Try to obtain materials you need and bring them to school or do them at home with parent/guardian signatures. I'll help with materials as much as I'm able.)
1 Does a cricket stand differently in salt water than freshwater?
2 Are currents caused at hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor?
3 What effect would a hurricane have on barrier islands?
"A" Layer-Section III / Critical Thinking & Analysis of Real World Issues (Choose one for 40 points)
(Mix traditional research with values, morality, and your personal
opinion about one of these
topics currently under debate. There is no right or wrong answer, but
your opinions should have
support from your research. Three sources should be used, and cited, to
gain understanding
about the topic and then you should carefully evaluate the problem.)
1. Investigate a specific estuary in NC and explain current environmental issues threatening it. What do you think should be done about it? Write your findings and opinions in a letter to a state senator or representative that serves the area around that estuary. Show Mr. Paramore the letter and discuss it with him before sending it through the mail. (1-2 pages)
2. Do a report on the current research Dr. Orrin H. Pilkey, Duke
professor, is doing on coastal
barrier islands. Explain what his findings and opinions are and explain
whether you agree with
all, some, or none of his ideas. Your report can be presented in front
of the class or just in front
of Mr. Paramore after school. Your report should be turned in to Mr. P.
after your presentation.
(1-2 pages)