Earth Science
Mr. Jody Paramore
South Central High School
Winterville, NC
NAME: _______________________________________
Unit Topic: Universe / Stars
Grading: Unit grades make-up 60 % of a student's overall grade
Time Span:
Due Date:
Objectives (what are we learning in this unit?):
6.01 Analyze the theories of the formation of the universe and solar system.
6.03 Examine the sources of stellar energies.
Life cycle of stars.
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
6.04 Assess the spectra generated by stars and our sun as indicators of motion and composition (the Doppler effect)
6.05 Evaluate astronomers' use of various technologies to extend their senses:
Optical telescopes.
Radio telescopes.
A: 93-100 %
B: 85-92 %
C: 77-84 %
D: 70-76 %
F: 0-69 %
Choose any of the assignments listed that you would like to
complete. You will not do all the
assignments. You'll only do as many assignments as it takes for you to
complete each layer
successfully. Each assignment can only be attempted one time.
"C" Layer (Successful Completion Earns One a C Grade)-Section I / Basic Understanding-80 percentage (%) points must be earned from this section before moving into the B Layer. Choose any of the assignments listed, in this section, that you would like to complete. No more than 80 percentage (%) points can be applied to your unit grade from this section.
Notes-Tape Recorded (listen & take notes from the cassette player-side A, study them, show them to Mr. Paramore for oral defense)
1. Characteristics of Stars-Part 1 (10 %)
2. Characteristics of Stars-Part 2 (10 %)
Videos (watch all of the video assigned, complete written part, and be prepared for oral defense)
3. Complete the worksheet for "Universe 2001: Beyond the Millenium-Creation [TLC] (10 %)
4. On your own paper, take 25 notes from "Universe 2001: Beyond the Millenium-Stars [TLC] (10 %)
Vocabulary / Worksheets
5. Create flashcards with the word and definition for the following key terms (words are in the glossary or the index of your book): universe, stars, Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, Doppler effect, radio telescope, spectroscope, constellation, supernova, galaxy, red shift, big-bang theory, nuclear fusion, black hole, absolute magnitude, protostar (10 %)
6. Complete the star study guide (on table) (10 %)
Computer Activities (complete the activity, study your work, bring to Mr. P. for oral defense)
7. Watch & listen to the Brainpop movie "The Big Bang" (In the Earth Science common folder or type Take 5 notes from the movie and then take the quiz. Write out all 10 quiz questions with the correct answer listed for each question. (10 %)
8. Complete the 'Lifecycle of Stars' internet activity. (It's in the Earth Science Common Folder) Put all work on your own paper. (10 %)
Reading (complete the assignment, study, and bring to Mr. P. for oral defense)
9.Answer all multiple choice, T/F, and concept mastery questions for
chp. 2 (pgs. 88-89). (10 %)
10. Complete the Early Astronomers assignment (on the table). Use the internet to find information. Follow the directions. (10 %)
11. You're an astronomer. Write a letter to your government representatives explaining to them why you need them to buy a radio telescope and a spectroscope for your state-run observatory. Explain to them why they are important. (10 %)
12. Write a short story about being abducted by aliens who carry you to their galaxy. Your story should include at least 5 of the 15 key terms given in assignment # 5. (10 %)
Fine Arts
13. Listen to the star song in the Earth Science common folder.
After getting to the web-site,
click play under the musical note at the bottom of the page. Write 2
facts from the song and give
your opinion of the song. On the same sheet, write your own star song
that includes at least two
facts about them. (10 %)
14. Design a poster to explain the difference between a star, a galaxy, and the universe. (10 %)
Hands-On / Interactive
15. Put 10 dots close together on a deflated balloon with a marker and then blow the balloon up. What happened to the dots? Explain how this relates to the big bang theory. (10 %)
16. Complete the Star Gazing activity at home. (on table). (10
"B" Layer-Section II / Application of Knowledge (Successful Completion Earns One a B Grade) (Choose one for 10 %, must complete before moving to Section III)
1. Create and design a children's book that explains what the universe is and the different things found in it. Your book should be entertaining and able to keep the attention of a young child. (10 %)
2. Use Play-Doh to create a known constellation on construction
paper. Label the name of each
star, the type of each star, and its temperature. Explain how the
constellation got its name. (10
"A" Layer-Section III / Critical Thinking & Analysis of Real World Issues (Successful Completion Earns One An A Grade) (Choose one for 10 %)
(Fill out the A Layer worksheet to complete this section. This worksheet can be obtained from Mr. Paramore)
1. Is the NASA space program worth what we spend on it? (10 %)
2. Is there life anywhere in the universe other than Earth? (10
Oral Defense Chart
Warning: No more than 3 assignments per day will be graded
by Mr. Paramore. Be sure to
study over your work before getting it graded because you will be
quizzed on each
assignment completed. Do not wait until the last day to get assignments
graded because
only 3 will be graded that day.
Wed. 8/18 | Thu. 8/19 | Fri. 8/20 | Mon. 8/23 | Tue. 8/24 | Wed. 8/25 | |
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Parent / Guardian Signature w/ date: