Unit Activities: Earthquakes and Volcanoes

by Jon Stern

New Paltz High School, New York


Unit Objectives

Understand the scales used to measure earthquakes.

Be able to determine the distance to and location of earthquakes.

Recognize the most likely locations of earthquakes and volcanoes.

Understand how seismic waves can be used to infer information about the earth's interior.

Know seismic hazards and appropriate precaution.

"C" Level Work (65 points maximum)

(underlined assignments are mandatory)

(*check the rubrics for this activity)

Take notes for each lesson: (20 points) *

Measuring Earthquakes (5 points)

Analyzing Seismic Waves (5 points)

Earthquake and Volcano Locations (5 points)

Earth's Interior (5 points)

Create a web page or PowerPoint presentation: (5 points)* The page should include information from one of the unit lectures.

Flash Cards: (5 points)* Create flash cards using the following words- P wave, S wave, Mercalli Scale, Richter Scale, fault, epicenter, focus, and seismogram.

Book Work: (5 points)* Read or listen to Measuring and Locating Earthquakes on Pp. 505-510 and complete study guide 19-3.

Video: Earthquakes: Our Restless Planet (5 points) Watch the video and complete the accompanying worksheet. The video can be accessed online at Type in the pass code _______-_______ and search for this video.

Lab: Earthquakes and the Mercalli Scale: (10 points- lab)

Book Work: (5 points)* Read or listen to Seismic Waves and Earth's Interior on Pp. 500-504 and complete study guide 19-2.

Lab: Locating the Epicenter: (10 points- lab)

Newspaper Articles: (5 points) Find 2 newspaper articles that discuss recent earthquakes. Summarize the articles being sure to include information about the location, scale, effects, and possible causes of the quakes. Hand in copies of the articles.

Web Site Activities: (5 points each)* Go to the Earthquake and Volcano Unit on the class web site and follow any of the following links: Where Was that Earthquake (ES1003), How Are Earthquakes Related to Plate Tectonics? (ES 1001), How Are Volcanoes Relate to Plate Tectonics? (ES 0901), What Is Earth's Crust Like? (ES 0801), How Old Is the Atlantic Ocean? (ES0802). Choose no more than 2. Be sure to write out the questions.

Worksheet- The Earth's Interior: (5 points)*

Internet Lab: Virtual Earthquake: (5 points-lab) Go to the Earthquake and Volcano Unit on the class web site and follow the Virtual Earthquake link. Complete the activity online and print out the certificate once it has been completed. On-line Practice Quiz: (5 points) Go to the Earthquake and Volcano Unit on the class web site and follow the link to Log in or register if you have not yet done so (there is an $11.95 one time fee). Follow the links to the Earthquake and Volcano Quiz and complete on line. You will be allowed to make corrections.

"B" Level Work (15 points maximum)*

Design an Earthquake Preparedness Brochure: (15 points) Get the directions for this activity in class or by going to the course web site and clicking on Copies of Activities.

Internet Lab: Ranking Hazardous Volcanoes: (15 points-lab) Go to the Earthquake and Volcano Unit on the class web site and follow the link to this activity. Be sure to write out the problem, your hypothesis, the objectives, data for three volcanoes, and provide answers to the conclude and apply questions.

Computer Lab: Earthquake Patterns: (15 points-lab)

"A" Level Work (20 points maximum)*

Is the Richter Scale or Mercalli Scale more useful in learning about earthquakes? (20 points)

Are earthquakes or volcanoes more dangerous? (20 points)

Does the Mid-Hudson Valley region need to be concerned about earthquakes?