Chapter 33: Renting a Place to Live - Grading Rubric
Mr. Mayo
Business and Marketing Educator
Arbor View High School

Name:  Date:  

Chapter 33: Renting a Place to Live Maximum 100 Points

C layer:  Maximum 65 points in this section. 

In   Out

                    1. Listen to lecture, take notes (5 points / section)  1   2 You must

                    2. Independently read section, take notes (5 points / section)  1   2 choose one

                    3. Copy power point presentation (5 points / section)  1   2 of these each

                    4. Read section as a group and discuss main concepts (5 points / section)  1   2 section.

                    5. Complete chapter 33 workbook pages (5 points / page)  1   2   3   4   5   6

                    6. Share news stories dealing with rent and present to class.  (5 points / article)  1  2  3  4

                    7. Make flashcards from key terms in each section and learn them. (5 points / section)

                    8. Create and hand in power point presentation on the section (15 points / section)

                    9. Create answers and questions for jeopardy review game (1 point / Q & A) Max 10 / section

                   10. Answer assessment questions at the end of each section (10 point / section)

                   11. Complete word search for each section (5 points / section)

                   12. Create mind map poster with key terms using only drawings (10pts/ section)

                   13. Research your state laws regarding name changes for children? (5 points)

                   14. Conduct online research list 10 websites that offering rental property (1 point / website)

                   15. Chapter study guide (15 points) Required

                   16. Jeopardy review game (5 points) Required 

B layer: choose one only (15 points)

                   1. Create a rap that explains the responsibilities of Land lord and Tenant.

A layer: choose one only (20 points)

Extra Credit for the rest of the year: one time only (50 points)

Have a member of the community employed in finance-related positions be a guest speaker.