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Scott Wilson
Three Rivers Middle School, Cleves, Ohio UNIT TOPIC: Atoms
Approximate number of SCHOOL (Mon-Fri) days on this unit: 20 (4 weeks)
OBJECTIVES: Identify different parts of the atom, distinguish between alpha/beta
particles, explain isotopes and how they relate to atoms
A: 220-203 B: 202-188 C: 187-168 D: 167-153 C Layer assignments
(maximum pts/ not including any extra credit you may receive)
1. National Standards Test (we will do this twice/ once at the beginning of
the unit and once at the end of the unit) 5 pts for each test 2. Participate in the "What do I know about atoms discussion?" (this will be
done second. The points you receive are based on what you record into your "notes"
section of your notebook about what you already know, as well as what you record
into your notebook from the overhead Lecture
3. Listen to the lecture on Atoms. Take notes and show to Mr. Wilson Reading
4. Read section 2.1 (pgs 36-44). Do section review questions 1-3 on page 45.
2 pts extra credit if you do question #4. 10 pts 5, Read section 2.2 (pgs 47-54). Do section review questions 1-3 on page 54.
2 pts extra
credit if you do question #4. 10 pts Vocabulary
6. Make vocabulary flashcards of the words on pages 36 and 47. Learn them.
Oral defense 10 points Worksheets (little to no math)
7. Overview sheet (both sides) 10 points 8. Reinforcement sheet on "Story of the Atom 5 pts 9. Reinforcement sheet on "The Nucleus" oral defense 5 pts
10. Critical thinking "Inside the atom" sheet. Oral defense 5 pts
11. Lisa Meitner Multicultural Connection sheet Oral Defense
5 pts 12. Make vocabulary flashcards of the words on pages 36 and 47. Learn them.
Oral defense 10 points 13. Chapter review Oral defense 10 points 14. Chapter test part A Oral defense 10 points 15. Chapter test part B Oral defense 10 points Worksheets involving math
16. Atomic mass/number worksheet. 10 pts 17. Half-life sheet 10 pts 18. Transmutation sheet 10 pts Technology
19. Watch the "Brainpop" video on Atoms. List 5 things you learned from the
video 10 pts 20. Look at the Crooke's tube and Cathode Ray tube on the science computer.
Draw what you see and explain it to Mr. Wilson oral defense 10
Hands-on activities
21. Make a cookie-dough design of the atom. Must have chocolate chips in them
or some type of substance to represent the dough. 1 point extra credit if you
make an extra one for Mr. Wilson and he likes the taste of it! oral
defense 10 pts 22. Make a 3D model of the atom. You may use such materials as clay, paper,
aluminum foil, balsa wood, velcro, toothpicks, wire. oral defense
10 pts 23. Page 35 explore activity. Put your data into your lab section of your notebook
and submit to Mr. Wilson oral defense 5 pts
Participation Labs
24. Participate in the magnet/iron filings demonstration. Compare the force
of the magnet acting on the iron filings to the anode acting on the cathode-ray
particles oral defense 5 pts Skits and songs
25. Design a song about the different parts of the atom 10 pts (5 pts. Extra
credit if you perform it in front of the class/ or on camera at lunch) 26. Design a skit about the different parts of the atom 10 pts (5 pts extra
credit if you perform it in front of the class or on camera at lunch) 27. Design and perform a play or skit about how Ernest Rutherford's experiments
led him to hypothesize the nuclear atom. Drawings
28. Construct a timeline of events that led to the modern model of the atom
(include the date and time period as well as the contributions of Dalton, Crookes,
Ruthorford, and Thomson) oral defense 10 pts 29. Draw diagrams of the Dalton, Thomson, and Ruthorford model of the atom.
(Dalton's featureless sphere, Thomson's homogenous spherical mass with electrons
embedded in it at regular points, and Rutherford's nuclear atom looking like
a tiny mass at the center of a large empty space)
***Do on poster board and use construction paper pieces to represent electrons)
oral defense 10 pts 30. Draw an alpha particle. Your drawing should consist of representations
of two protons and two neutrons bunched together. Tell whether this particle
is neutral or not. If it is not neutral, then what is the charge of the particle?
Oral defense 5 pts 31. Using page 47 of your textbook, count the number of nuclear particles in
the diagrams of the three carbon atoms. How are the carbon atoms the same? How
are they different? Oral defense 5 pts 32. With a partner, create an analogy of your own for the astounding results
Rutherford obtained. oral defense 5 pts Minilabs
33. Chapter 2 minilab "Modeling the Nuclear Atom" (you will need the lab sheet
from the lab table) oral defense 10 pts 34. Chapter 2 minilab "Graphing Half-life" (you will need the lab sheet from
the lab table). This lab is also found on page 51. oral defense 10 pts
35. Find out whether you have a smoke detector in your home, where it is located,
if it has ever gone off, whether there have been any false alarms, and if so,
what caused them. Check with an adult to find out whether the battery is checked
regularly. If you do not have a smoke detector, go to a friend's
house and find out the answer to these questions. 5 pts 36. Research isotopes and how they are used for medical purposes. Oral
defense 15 pts 37. Research the contributions of the following scientists: Henri Becquerel
and Marie and Pierre Curie. In relation to the contributions they
made to the discovery and understanding of radioactivity. Your research must
include a bibliography of at least 3 sources and be at least 2 pages in length.
Papers may be typed or written. 15 pts 38. Find out examples of other devices that have an anode and a cathode. Summarize
what is similar in all devices you list oral defense 15 pts
39. Find out how many different forms a hydrogen atom exists in (in reference
to isotopes) oral defense 15 pts Various/Miscellaneous
40. PAGE 39/ Figures 2-6à How did Crookes know that
the beam was not light? Figures 2-7à How are television tubes and computer
display screens related to the cathode-ray tube that Crookes used? oral
defense 5 pts 41. The Roman poet Lucretius wrote these words about atoms in his poem De
Rerum Nature (On
The Nature of Things). "Their nature lies beyond our range of sense. Far,
far beyond. Think about
what he meant and write a paragraph about his idea of the nature of atoms.
oral defense 10 pts 42. Use the phrase radioactive decay and the word transmutation
in a labeled illustration of a decay process. Examples could be in the for m
of a comic strip 10 pts 43. Using page 47 of your textbook, count the number of nuclear particles in
the diagrams of the three carbon atoms. How are the carbon atoms the same? How
are they different? Oral defense 5 pts. 44. State the different parts of the atom and the charges each part carries
oral defense 5 pts B layer assignments (Choose 1 only)
45. Page 46 Activity. You will need a shoe box (bring one from home) and you
will create the "inside" of the box similar to the contents inside the box oral
defense 10 pts 46. Balloon and Vanilla flavoring lab (you will need the lab sheet from the
lab table) oral defense 10 pts 47. Isotopes and Atomic Mass Lab oral defense 10 pts A Layer Assignment (Choose one only/ You MUST submit three articles
along with your assignment to receive any credit failure to submit these
articles will result in o points for the "A" layer assignment) 48. Research nuclear power plants to discover how they work, the required safety
regulations, and the Locations of nuclear power plants in the United States.
10 pts 49. Problem solving on page 53. Design a container to transport radioactive
waste. A whole raw egg will represent the waste. Your container will be dropped
from a height of approximately 7-10 meters onto a hard surface. Your container
will also be struck by a bottle of sand suspended from a door frame.
Along with your container, research how radioactive waste containers operate.
How much impact Can containers which contain nuclear waste take? What are these
containers made of? Why do these containers need to be made out of such a substance?
10 pts 50. Write a report comparing the scientific views from the past about the nature
of matter i.e.. Atomic Theory. Your report should span from the Greeks to modern
wave theory 10 pts PARENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________ (5 pts
towards "C" layer)