Chemical Bonds Unit

Scott Wilson

Three Rivers Middle School

Cleves, Ohio

Name: __________________________________________

UNIT TOPIC: Chemical Bonds

Approximate number of SCHOOL (Mon-Fri) days on this unit: 15 (3 weeks)

Last day of unit: ______________________________

OBJECTIVES: Describe the arrangement of electrons in an atom, interpret the arrangement of electrons in terms of their energy, explain the relationship between the arrangement of electrons in an atom and that atom's location in the periodic table, describe the ionic and covalent bonds, distinguish polar and nonpolar covalent bonds, use chemical shorthand


A: 170-157

B: 156-145

C: 144-130

D: 129-118

C Layer assignments (maximum 144 pts/ not including any extra credit you may receive)

***1. National Standards Test (we will do this twice/ once at the beginning of the unit and once at the end of the unit) 5 pts for both tests


2. Listen to the lectures on Chemical bonds. Take notes and show to Mr. Wilson 5 pts for each lecture

______ Electron arrangement ______ Dot Diagrams ______ ionic/covalent bonds

______ polar/non-polar molecules _______ chemical shorthand


3. Complete all the readings in chapter 4 and answer any 4 section assessment questions from pages 103 and 113! (Be prepared to answer at least 2 non-section assessment questions from each section during your oral defense J O.D. 15 pts


4. Make vocabulary flashcards of the words on pages 98 and 106. Learn them. O.D. (Oral defense) 10 points

Worksheets (little to no math)

5. Worksheet Packet 20 pts

6. ***Thinker Packet 15 pts (must do)

Math "Thinker" Problem

7. "Using math" on page 103. Show work and answer to Mr. Wilson 10 pts


8. Design a power point presentation about ionic, covalent, and polar bonding (minimum of 10 slides). Must include pictures PERTAINING to the slide subject. Save to Mr. W's computer as "chapter 4 <your name> on the "C" drive or email a copy to Mr. W. at the following address: 20 pts

9. Dog Bonding / Internet ions worksheet (worksheet can be found with the worksheet folders) you'll need access to a computer with Internet for this!> 10 pts

10. Make a video at your house or somewhere outside of school about chemical bonds (sky's the limit on this; you can do a "game show," "newscast," "commercial-advertisement," "TV show about the bonding Family". (or something you come up with!) Present the video to Mr. Wilson. Video must be at least 3 minutes long

Video must include 5 of the vocab words for chapter 4 15 pts

11. Tape a 5-10 minute "conversation" about chapter 4 onto a cassette or videotape with your parents.. Your conversation must include 5 of the vocab words as well as a basic/overall explanation about the key points from chapter 4 15 pts

Technology on a computer with "SHOCKWAVE"

12. Go to and do the "Atom Builder." Print copies of your results. O.D. 10 pts

13. Go to Click "On Fire" (Flash version). Do the interactive O.D. 15 pts

internet activity and be able to answer the following questions:

a. To initiate and sustain combustion, what 3 things are needed?

b. The "ignition temperature" is the threshold temperature at which fuel will do what??? (slide 1)

c. What happened to the hydrogen atoms that were "liberated" after you dragged one hydrogen atom to the oxygen atoms?

d. When heat is present, why do chemical reactions occur? (slide 3)

14. Crossword Puzzle Gameà Go to the following website listed below 10 pts

You'll need to do this on Mr. W's computer. Show Mr. Wilson your data.

Hands-on activities

15. Paperclip/magnet activity on page 97. O.D. 10 pts

Answer the following and show to Mr. W.

a. Which paper clip was easiest to remove?

b. Which paper clip was hardest to remove?

c. How are the magnet/paper clips a model for the nucleus and electrons in an atom?

16. Chemical bonding pieces and worksheet accompanying the pieces O.D 10 pts

17. Use different colors of modeling clay (you provide your own clay) to make a cross-sectional model of an atom. The atom should contain different energy levels. O.D. 10 pts

18. Pair with another student and write the symbols for the elements in Groups 1, 2, and 13-18 on "cards" (do this the same way you make flashcards). Shuffle the cards and divide them into two facedown stacks. You and your opponent take turns turning over a card at the same time. Using the periodic table for reference, determine which card has the greater number of electrons in its dot diagram. The student with this card gets both cards. If they are equal, both players keep their own cards. The student who ends up with all the cards wins. Record your results of who won/lost and show to Mr. Wilson O.D. 10 pts

19. Make a 3D model of any element from the periodic table. Must be from period 3 or higher. . 20 pts

Model must include the following on an attached 3 x 5 or 5 x 7 note card

1. Atomic name/number/mass/symbol,

2. Number of protons/electrons/neutrons

3. Number of electrons in each energy level

4. KEY/legend stating color of protons/electrons/neutrons

20. Use pennies and quarters to model formation of compounds from electron dot diagrams (tape your results on construction or computer paper). For example, a quarter surrounded by six pennies would represent oxygen, a quarter and a single penny would represent hydrogen. (You will need to provide your own pennies/quarter for this!)Use similar models to determine the formulas for potassium bromide, magnesium chloride, and aluminum sulfide 10 pts

21. Using magnets, demonstrate to Mr. Wilson electron transfer or electron sharing. Use small

magnets to represent electrons and larger magnets to represent nuclei. O.D. 10 pts


22. Hydrogen gas explosion. Show your data to Mr. Wilson. O.D. 10 pts

23. Light stick/"Blue music"/ liquid-light demonstration. Show your data to Mr. Wilson O.D. 10 pts

24. "Liquid Fire" demonstration. Show your data to Mr. Wilson. O.D. 10 pts

25. Any other demos that Mr. Wilson/Miss Hoying do with the class 10 pts

______ ___________ ___________ __________ __________


26. Elemento Game (sign up on the sign-up sheet on the lab table) 10 pts

27. Design a game over chapter 4 (must include typed rules/instructions) 20 pts

28. Ion Dominos (sign up on the sign-up sheet on the lab table) 10 pts

Skits and songs

29. Design/AND SING a song about chemical bonds based on Nelly and Justin Timberlake's song "Work it." You must rewrite the lyrics to "teach" the definitions/whatever else you want to include of the following words: electron dot diagram, chemical bond, ion, ionic bond, compound, covalent bond, molecule, formula.. Song must be rapped or sung and must include dance "recital. See Mr. Wilson if you want to work with some students from other classes 25 pts (I do not have the song without the lyrics so you will need to provide that for yourself)

30. Design a skit about chemical bonding 15 pts (no script needed!)

31. Design/sing a song about chemical bonds to your song of choice. 15 pts


32. Design a picture, which "teaches" ionic, covalent, or polar bonding (must be done in color) O.D 10 pts

33. Draw the nuclei and electron clouds for a molecule of a covalent compound such as HCl. Draw arrows to show the attraction and repulsions found in the molecule. O.D. 5 pts

34. Draw a cartoon involving/teaching ionic/covalent/polar bonding O.D 10 pts

35. Draw a cartoon involving/teaching dot diagrams O.D 10 pts

36. Draw a cartoon involving/teaching electron energy levels O.D 10 pts

37. Design a worksheet over chapter 4. Neatness counts on this! O.D 10 pts

38. Write an original story (1 page single space minimum) involving ionic bonds and covalent bonds O.D 10 pts


39. Using candy of your choice, demonstrate ionic and covalent bonding with the following compounds: O.D. 10 pts

H2O-- covalent KI-ionic

40. Tape your candy on construction paper (provide your own). Label each bond as ionic/covalent with an explanation below each bond as to why it is covalent or ionic


41. Chapter 4 minilab "Drawing electron dot diagrams" on page 102 oral defense 10 pts

42. Chapter 4 minilab "Constructing a model for Methane" on page 109. Oral defense 10 pts


43. Making glue lab (sign up on the sign-up sheet back by the computer) No lab report necessary 10 pts

44. Ionic Compounds Lab (sign up on the lab sheet back by the computer) No lab report necessary 10 pts


45. Design a test over chapter 4. Test must be typed and include 5 matching, 4 true/false, and 3 fill in the blank. (1 pt. Extra credit for you and someone else if you have someone take your test!). Show Mr. Wilson a copy of your test and the answer sheet to Mr. Wilson) Oral defense 5 pts

46. Take the test over chapter 4. You must score 80% or better. 20 pts

47. Memorize a row of elements on the periodic table (must be row 2 or higher)

Rows 2/3à 10 pts

Rows 4-5 à 15 pts

Rows 6-7 à 20 pts (don't forget the inner transition elements!)

48. State to Mr. Wilson how ionic/polar/covalent bonds are different (ionic being a bond

involving a metal and a nonmetal, etc) 5 pts


49. The noble gases used to be referred to as the "inert gases." Find out the meaning of the word inert and infer how calling them inert gases differs from calling them noble gases. 5pts

50. Research the term oxidation number. Determine the oxidation number of each element in the following

compounds: Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfide, Potassium Iodide 10 pts

51. Research what superscripts and subscripts are in relation to chemical bonding. oral defense 5 pts

52. Each energy level contains areas in which there is a high probability of finding electrons. These areas are called

orbitals. Each orbital contains two electrons. Use a high school chemistry text to find out more about orbitals.

How many orbitals must be in level 1? In level 2? In level 3? 12 pts

52. Research supercolliders and how they relate to atomic particles. 14 pts

53. Acidic substances released into the atmosphere by certain industries can eventually result in acid rain, which is destructive to many plants and animal life forms. What can be done about this problem? 14 pts

54. Go to the following website (once you're there click on "research news") : 15 pts

This article from July 27, 2001 details the retraction of the discovery of element 118. After reading this article,

a. why do you think it is so important to be able to reproduce the results of a valid experiment?

b. Be able to define the following words: subsequent, re-analysis, retract

B layer assignment (Choose 1 only)

55. Can an element be identified based on a model that shows the arrangement of the protons, electrons, and neutrons?

Design an experiment that answers this question. 12 pts

56. Why are ionic compounds usually solid at room temperature, whereas covalent compounds are frequently gases or liquids? Research the answer to this question and design a lab/experiment, which "demonstrates" the answer to this. 12 pts

A layer assignment (Choose 1 only)

(For a chance at full credit on "A" layer assignmentsà You MUST submit the following )

1. Answer to the question (if a question is asked)

2. video presentation (2-5 minutes minimum)

3. 3 articles you research (actual articles need to be submitted/ NOT the websites)

4. A summary for each article

*each summary needs 2 paragraphs

paragraph #1: 8-10 sentences summarizing the article

paragraph #2: 6-10 sentences stating your opinion of the article

(did you like/dislike it/agree/disagree with it? critically evaluate the topic in this paragraph

57. New medicines frequently appear on the market. Find out how chemists experiment to develop new drugs and what testing procedures are used. Are the procedures too strict? Why or why not? 14 pts

58. A tremendous amount of money was spent on the restoration of the statue of Liberty. Much of this money was raised by a foundation comprised of private citizens who devoted a great deal of time and energy to the cause. Do you think such a great expenditure of money and effort was worthwhile, or could it have been better spent on other things? Take a stand on this issue.

14 pts

PARENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________ (5 pts towards "C" layer)