Unit 3-A: The Chemistry of Life

by S. Henderson

Manzano H.S.
October 2004

Objectives:  By the end of this unit you should be able to
1.    Describe the structure of an atom,
2.    Identify certain elements that are essential to human health,
3.    Explain the importance of chemical bonds in the stability of chemical compounds,
4.    Describe the physical and chemical properties of water that make it unique,
5.    Name  four types of polymers that are unique to all life forms, and
6.    Explain how each of these polymers is formed.

Assignment Checklist:  You may turn in work that adds up to 100 points, not including what is required.  Make sure to turn in all the work for this unit by the due date listed above. 


_____  Test #5: The Chemistry of Life                            {A separate grade}

"C" LEVEL WORK:  May not exceed 60 points

_____  Listen to lecture and take notes.  Day   1   2   3   (5 pts/day)

_____  Make foldable(s) for vocabulary terms.  Learn them.  I will randomly choose 10 and ask you about them.  You’ll get one point for every one you get right. 10 pts

_____  Make a concept map (brainstorm) using all the bolded vocabulary words in the chapter.    10 pts

_____  Test the pH of the substances provided.  Make a colored pH scale like the one on p. 172-173.    10 pts

_____  Do the Section Review questions for Ch. 7.   10 pts/Review

_____  Rewrite Section Objectives as questions and answer them.  2 pts/Objective

_____  Build a 3-D model of an atom.  Label the nucleus, protons, electrons, and neutrons.    10 pts

_____  Refer to Table 7.1 (p. 161).  Pick 10 elements and list sources of these elements.    5 pts

_____  Write a song that summarizes Chapter 7.    10 pts

_____  Do the activity “Organic Molecules & Simple Reactions.”  You’ll need a ball-n-stick kit.    10 pts   
_____  Do the worksheet “Writing Balanced Chemical Equations.”    10 pts

_____  Do any 2 worksheets for Chapter 7.    5 pts/WS

"B" LEVEL WORK:  Choose only one assignment from the following options.

 Note: Since all B Level work involves labs, LAB DAYS ARE _____________________________________

_____  Do the “Solution Density” Lab.  Refer to the accompanying handout.  15 pts

_____  Go through the “Properties of Water” demonstration.  Answer the questions on the accompanying handout.   10 pts

_____  Does temperature affect the activity of an enzyme?  Refer to p. 182 of your book.    15 pts

_____  What fruits contain enzymes that act on protein?  Refer to the accompanying handout.    15 pts

"A" LEVEL WORK:  Choose only one assignment from the following.  All will involve some research.

_____  Based on what you learned about lipids (fats), proteins, and carbohydrates, do some research on the Atkins diet and write a 350-word essay about whether you think it is a GOOD idea or a BAD idea. Make sure to cite your sources.    25 pts

_____  Develop PowerPoint presentation that discusses the pros and cons of taking vitamin supplements.  Relate your presentation to what you learned about the polymers we studied in this part of Unit 3.  Refer to the “Vitamins Presentation” handout for some guidelines.    25 pts

_____  Develop a survey about exercise.  Survey at least 10 people that you know.  Graphically summarize
the results of your survey.  Design a 3-5 minute presentation that tells whether or not you think that
the people surveyed represent the majority of the population in the U.S.  Also, is exercise good or bad
for us?  Explain your thoughts.    25 pts

A                           B                   C                D
76 – 100 pts    61 – 75 pts    50 – 60 pts    40 –50 pts

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