Flames of the Tiger

Author: John Wilson (Kids Can Press) 

Self Guided Layered Curriculum Unit

Tim A. Allen

Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School

Sarnia, Ontario, Canada 

Objective: to create a student centred,  differentiated instructional model based on Dr. Kathie Nunley’s three layered curriculum outline. The unit is designed to individualize  instruction, appeal to different learning styles, encourage critical and higher levels of thinking, and hold the learner accountable for learning. Activities will be completed before, during and after reading of the book. 

Mandatory Activities: these activities are required/must be done Points Possible Points Earned
Complete daily questions and graphic organizers based on the daily readings. 80  
Participate in class discussions. 20  
C Layer Activities: Choose any activities from the following list for a Maximum Total of 49 points + 1 point for doing seven activities. Points Possible


Points Earned
1. Write song lyrics and/or music about the novel or some aspect within it. 7  
2. Draw or illustrate one of the characters. 7  
3. Draw or illustrate an important event within the novel. 7  
4. Write a journal entry diary describing a day in the Hitler Youth Order Castle. 7  
5. Write a poem about the novel or some aspect within it. 7  
6. Complete a “Different Perspectives” graphic organ. based on four characters 7  
7. Draw a cartoon strip of one of the scenes in the novel. 7  
8. Complete a “Choices” graph. org. with regards to Dieter’s dealing with Marcus 7  
9. Write a summary of either video “The Pianist” or “The Uprising”. 7  
10. Do a surreal drawing or painting. 7  
11. List the pros and cons of the Olympics. 7  
12. Create a poster for joining the Canadian Army. 7  
13. Interview 5 people and share their thoughts about the Holocaust. 7  
14. Research the history of Sarnia and how it got its name. 7  
15. Complete a problem solution graphic organizer based on events in Dieter’s life 7  
16. Complete a plot diagram for the novel. 7  
17. Write a news report based on the long jump final in the Olympics. 7  
18. Make a collage with themes and ideas from the novel. 7  
19. Write a letter to your friend sharing your thoughts and ideas about the book. 7  


B Layer Activities: Choose one activity from the following list. Points Possible Points Earned
1. Create a map of the setting in the novel. Tell and mark important events that occurred .  
2. Design a graffiti mural that an anti-Nazi youth might do on an ally wall. 20  
3. Research tigers (animal) and the Tiger Tank. Explain how they are similar to the characteristics of Hitler. 20  
4. Create a new cover for the novel. Fold your paper so you have a front and back cover. On the back  cover write a blurb (summary) about the book. Include a short review from someone who has read the book. 20  
5. Do an internet author study. Research and find out all you can about John Wilson. Using correct letter writing structure, write a letter to John Wilson. 20  
6. Research a holocaust or uprising person and write about what they or their experience contributed to society following the war. 20  
A Layer: Choose one activity from the following list. Points Possible Points Earned
1. Create a scrapbook of articles on the realities and horrors of war today. Explain why you chose each article. 30  
2. Write an opinion essay (minimum 5 paragraphs) based on whether you agree/disagree with the following statement: “The Holocaust is not important to study today because it happened over 60 years ago.” 30  
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