submitted by Katherine Richardson, Texas
Info. you need to know-ho ho ho
As we read Wilma Unlimited, you will be doing a variety of activities related to this story. The quality and the quantity of work that you produce during the week will determine the grade that you will receive for this story. To get the best out of this please remember the following:
1. You cannot go to B Level without earning 65 points in C Level. You cannot go to A
Level without finishing B Level. Aim high! Don't settle. Reach for
the A Level. You can do it!!!!
2. Students may use classroom computer with teacher's permission. You may use
your own home computer to do assignments. Using a computer is not mandatory.
This is optional.
3. Special note on all written assignments: Spelling, capitalization, neatness, punctuation,
and grammar count!!! I expect you to edit your work.
4. Each assignment is due on the due date or there will be a serious reduction in points.
5. Plan ahead. Study each activity and tick off the ones you want to accomplish.
6. Use your time wisely. Do not waste any second.
7. When presenting an oral defense, be prepared to verbally tell me the information in a
well organized manner, justify your reasons, and speak clearly.
1. This is required- Read Wilma Unlimited or listen to taped reading of story.
If you listen to the taped reading you must be following along in your anthology. No
other class work or talking can be done while you are listening to the tape. The testing
will cover the major points of the story.10pts.
2. This is required-You must listen and participate in the minilessons the teacher
presents in class. 5pts.
3. Make Vocabulary cards and write a definition of each word in your own words.
On a 3 X 5 card or half sheet of paper write vocabulary words on the front and a simple
definition in your own words on the back. I will pull 5 cards out of your stack and you
will get 5 points for each word you know. The definition must be in your own words
[not copied out of the glossary/dictionary. 25pts.
4. [Partners] Write context sentences: Have partners write context sentences, leaving a space for
each vocabulary word. Partners exchange papers to fill in the blanks or use vocabulary
cards to show the answer. Example of a context sentence: The _________ ran to catch
the ball, but he failed to catch it. (Boy would be the correct answer.) Make an
appointment to show the teacher your skill.15pts.
5. Read the theme book Franklin Delano Roosevelt. After reading the story, make an
appointment with the teacher to answer 4 questions. You will receive 2 points for each
correct answer. 8pts.
6. Read the theme book Communicating with the Deaf. After reading the story, make an
appointment with the teacher to answer 4 questions. You will receive 2 points for each
correct answer. 8pts.
7. Read the theme book Helen Keller. After reading the story, make an appointment with the
teacher to answer 4 questions. You will receive 2 points for each correct answer. 8pts.
8.[Partners]- Using a Vienn diagram, compare the summer and winter Olympic games. In one
circle list the winter games that are played and in the other circle list the summer games.
Where the circle overlap, list the things the games have in common. Use the
encyclopedia, books, and/or etc. to get information about the different seasonal Olympic
games. 15pts.
9. Pack Your Bags - [partners] Every four years, thousands of athletes represent their countries
in the Olympic games. However only the best three athletes or teams in each event win
medals. Imagine you and your partner have been selected to represent the U.S. in the
games. You each can only take one suitcase apiece with you. Write a list of the items
you would put in the suitcase. You will need to think about what game you and your
partner will be entering. {Before you ask-- no, you and your partner do not have to
participate in the same sport to go to the Olympic games.} Pick the sport you are
interested in participating. Think about the type of clothing you would have to wear to
participate in the chosen sport and what equipment you would need. Which season are
you going to attend? Summer or Winter? What are you going to wear during leisure time
and etc.? 15pts.
10.Comparing Weight - A pound is a unit of weigh equal to 16 ounces. A kilogram is a metric
unit weight. One kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds. How much did Wilma weigh a birth
in kilogram?10pts.
11. Find the vocabulary words within the story and write the sentences where they are found.
12. Retell the main events of Wilma Unlimited. The main events will make up the action of the
story. Make an appointment with the teacher to tell those events. 10pts.
13. Map Skills -Use a piece of string to estimate the distance that Wilma Rudolph traveled from
her home near Nashville, TN to Rome, Italy. Use the classroom atlas. Be certain to cut
your string the length of the scale shown in the book.10pts.
14. Find out where the summer Olympics will be held this year. Use a globe or map to estimate
the distance from your town to the Olympic city. Use internet to find information. 5pts.
15. Read a book about a famous sports figure. Share what you have learned about the person
with your teacher. 15pts.
16. Find the American signing for the deaf and learn to spell your name. 10pts.
B - LEVEL 15PTS [Chose only one]
1. Relay Race - Organize a relay race with class into teams of 3 - 4 students. Provide a baton for
each team (Baton--class erasers can be used with permission or ask the coach if you may
borrow the high school batons). Have two teams race at a time. After the race, write
down your experiences in this race and compare your experience with those spoken of in
the poem YOU.
2. Weighty Matter - Using a scale, determine the weights of three common objects, such as a
book, sneakers, and a backpack. Compare the weight of the objects and determine which
is closes to Wilma's birth weight. Lastly, create a chart that depicts your findings.
3. [Team of 3-4] Organize the main events of Wilma Unlimited, then create a skit that illustrates
the main events of the story up to page 79 in your anthology. Be prepared to perform the
skit for the class.
4. Imagine you are Wilma and you sent a package with a letter inside to the doctors at the
hospital with the brace enclosed in the package. Before you write the letter, analyze
Wilma's character. Think about Wilma's traits and actions. Think about the changes
Wilma underwent from birth to age 12. Describe what Wilma did with her brace at age
twelve. What did this action indicate about Wilma? As you write the letter keep in mind
what kind of person Wilma has become because of her circumstances.
5. [Partners] Create a song or poem (7 or more lines) which contains a minimum of five words
ending with the suffix -ment.
6. The ancient Greeks believed that the gods enjoyed watching humans compete in athletic
events. In an effort to please these gods, the Greeks organized a festival of competitions
at a stadium in Olympia in western Greece. Research the different sports that were apart
of the ancient Olympics. Visit www.mhschool.com/reading for information about the
7. Make a Poster-Draw a poster for the future Olympics. Create a work of art that shows the
city where the games could be held, or one or more of the athletes, or Olympic events.
Write a slogan that will get people to come to the games.
8. Compare the ancient Olympic games with the ones played today. How are they alike and how
are they different. Use encyclopedias, books, and internet (www.mhschool.com/reading)
9. What characteristics did both Franklin D. Roosevelt and Wilma Rudolph share. Explain your
answer with support from the stories Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Wilma Unlimited.
A - LEVEL 20pts.
1. What handicap is the worst: blindness, deafness, paralyzed limbs? Give your reasons why
you think one is worst than the others.
2. If we had a new student who had a handicap enroll in our school, what things could we do to
make the new student feel he/she was welcomed in all aspects of our school activities?
3. Which is worse-- having polio or racial prejudice? Explain why you feel one is worse than
the other. Support your stand.
5.7a-f;5.8a;5.9a,b,c,e;Math 5
# ______Name ________________________
Activity Possible points. Points
Level C - 65 Points
1. Read Wilma Unlimited 10 _____
2. Minilessons 5 _____
3. Vocabulary cards 25 _____
4. Write context sentences 15 _____
5. Read Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 8 _____
6. Read Communicating with the Deaf 8 _____
7. Read Helen Keller 8 _____
8. Compare the summer and winter Olympic games 8 _____
9. Pack Your Bags 15 _____
10. Comparing Weight 10 _____
11. Find the vocabulary words within the story 10 _____
12. Retell the main events of Wilma Unlimited. 10 _____
13. Map Skills 10 _____
14. Find out the summer Olympics 5 _____
15. Read a book about a famous sports figure 15 _____
16. American signing for the deaf 10 _____
Level B - 15 Points [chose only one]
1. Relay Race _____
2. Weighty Matter _____
3. Create a skit _____
4. Send a package with a letter inside _____
5. Create a song or poem _____
6. Research the different sports _____
7. Poster-Draw a poster for the future Olympics _____
8. Compare the ancient Olympic games _____
9. What characteristics did both Franklin D. Roosevelt and Wilma Rudolph share _____
Level A - 20 points [chose only one]
1. What handicap is the worst? _____
2. New student with a handicap _____
3. Which is worse-- having polio or racial prejudice? _____