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Bob Lebens

Neill Elementary, Burnsville MN

5 Day Unit- Elementary G.6


Day #2 LAY-UPS


Day #4 GAMES



5 pts each- Attend day 1-4 lectures and practice sets

5 pts each- Rt and Lf hand dribbling 20 times each hand

5 pts each- Rt and Lf hand cone course

5 pts- stationary lay-ups Rt/Lf

10 pts- play P.I.G with another student

5 pts each- read a newspaper or magazine article about basketball


70 possible points


5 pts- dribble with a defender (length of gym)

5 pts- lay-ups moving/running with dribble

5 pts- 10 Free throws

10 pts- 3/3 Game

10 pts- Read a book about basketball (autobiography)


35 pts total possible points

"A" Level

10 pts- Design a basketball offense and explain how it works against a man to man defense

10 pts- Do sports interfere with students school work and how does it help or interfere with yours.


F= Less than 25

D= 25-45

C= 50-70

B= 75-105

A= 106+


* Rt & Lf hand dribbling

Standing stationary the student will be able to dribble the basketball without missing 20 times (Waist level, eyes forward, finger tips)

* Stationary Lay-ups

Standing next to the basket the student will attempt to make three (3) lay-ups (using backboard, standing to the side of the basket, using correct hand for the side of the basket they choose)


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