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Cry, the Beloved Country

10th grade advanced English students

Debra Braundmeier

Maroa Forsyth High School Maroa, IL

Required for all students (25 pts)

Read the book Complete chapter questions (10 pts)

Participate in Literary Circles with well-completed role sheets. (5 pts each time x 3lit circles = 15 pts)

C level: Required level

To receive a C you must complete a combination of activities that could total a maximum of 65 points. You must be ready to defend your answers/choices orally.

1. Complete character webs for the two main characters, Kumalo and Jarvis. (5 pts)

2. Draw a 10-paneled storyboard to retell the main events of the book. (10 pts)

3. Create an annotated timeline that shows the beginning and history of apartheid in South Africa. Be creative, neat, and colorful. A bibliography of sources used must be included. (15pts)

4. Complete a 4-page newspaper that shows understanding of the events of the book from beginning to end. Include as many features as you can. (20 pts)

5. Create a map of South Africa that shows Kumaloâs movements from the beginning of the book to the end. (10 pts)

6. Create a CD/tape cover and choose at least 5 songs that show understanding of an overall theme of the book and individual chapters or moments from the book. Remember that I will be looking for thematic connections. (10 pts)

7. Find at least 6 allusions in the book and investigate why the writer might have used them. (10 pts)

8. Go to, find the study guide for Cry, the Beloved Country, and then find the discussion board. Pick two questions that other students have posts and answer them. Print your answer out. (10 pts)

9. Choose a character from Cry, the Beloved Country and write six, one paragraph journal entries using that character's perspective and voice to retell six main events of the novel. (10 pts)

10. Choose 10 words you are unfamiliar with in the book that are not included in the glossary at the back of the book and make flashcards with their meanings. Learn the meanings and be able to use the words in a sentence and to retell the meanings. (5 pts)

11. Read and summarize Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in a well-written, grammatically clean paragraph. (5pts)

12. Read and summarize Lincoln's Second Inaugural Speech in a well-written, grammatically clean paragraph. (5pts)

13. Read and summarize Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream speech in two well written, grammatically clean paragraphs. (10 pts)

B level

To receive a B you must complete one of the following activities. You must defend your work. (8 pts)

1. Write fifteen higher level thinking questions that cover the book from beginning to end.

2. Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and prepare a paper along with visuals that you present to class during which you use examples from the novel to show how South Africa violates at least 3 of the rights.

3. Read Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural Speech and discuss in an essay how the speeches are appropriate to the novel and how they may be relevant to American today.

4. Read Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream speech and write an essay comparing his dreams for America to Kumalo's dream of seeing his community, Ndotsheni, rebuilt.

A level

To receive an A you must complete one of the following activities. This level involves an oral presentation of your choice of assignment.

1. Research the history of slavery and the Civil Rights movement from its beginning to the present and make parallels between apartheid and the black man's struggle in the US. Research paper structure is required.

2. Jarvis took up his son's campaign to better the lives of the nationals and did all he could to improve the community of Ndosheni. Choose and investigate a local community service organization that strives to improve our community. Research the history, purpose, funding and method of service to the community, and write a paper detailing these components. Spend one day participating in the program you choose. While there, share in the work and include your experience and reactions to your experience in your writing. Answer the following questions after your experience: What could you do to help this charity or service organization? Why would your involvement enrich you and your community? Why is it important that all of us become involved in some kind of community service? Arrangements to do this on a school day must be made ahead of time. Research paper structure is required.

3. Read the novel The Grapes of Wrath and make comparisons between it and Cry, the Beloved Country. How are the novels alike or different in story line and structure? Why do you think the ideas of these two novels are universal? If you use outside sources, research paper structure is required.

4. Research and write about another country, other than S. Africa and the US, where one ethnic group or race is or was persecuted, or has or had little or no power compared to the group in power. How did this situation come to be and why has it or did it continue? Research paper structure is required.

Cry, the Beloved Country Score sheet Name______________________________________________ Required Level (25 pts) Novel questions (10 pts) __________ Lit circles (15 pts) __________ C Level (65 pts) Record choices on the lines below.

1.____________________________________________________ __________ 2.____________________________________________________ __________ 3..____________________________________________________ __________ 4.____________________________________________________ __________ 5.____________________________________________________ __________ 6.____________________________________________________ __________

B Level (8 pts) ____________________________________________________ __________ A Level (7 pts) ._______________________________________ __________

Total __________