Michele Igleheart
Saudi Aramco American Schools Spanish Teacher
Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia
Familia (Family) En Español Me Llamo_______________. Unit Sheet Hora ____ Para (due)__________
Section I "C Level" Maximum 65 points
1. ___ Listen to the Family lecture & take notesfirst day only (5 puntos) 2. ___ Make/do flashcards on family members words in Español (10 puntos) 3. ___ Make a short family members worksheet, test or quiz in Español & have 3 students work it. Be sure to grade & return to students afterwards. (10 puntos)
4. ___ Make a word search-Buscapalabras using Spanish family members & have 3 other students work it (10 puntos) 5. ___ Work a family members worksheet, or word search - student made or publisher made - Señora Igleheart will provide the publisher made worksheets (5 puntos each)
6. ___ Design a "family members" poster using at least 10 words (10 puntos) 7. ___ Listen & repeat the family members in Español on CD# 8 - track # 6 Follow along in the "Paso a Paso 1a" text book on page 190 (5 puntos)
8. ___ Listen to the song - CD "Teach Me Spanish" Page 1-3 Track # 1 (5 puntos) 9. ___ Read & take notes - Spanish text "Paso a Paso1a" page 190 - 191 (5 puntos) 10. ___ Find, Print, & Show the class an article on the Internet that has family members written out in Español. Highlight all the number words (5 puntos)
11. ___ Play the Hangman with family vocab. for at least 5 minutos (5 puntos) 12. ___ Make your family tree using the hand-out (5 puntos) 13. ___ Play the GeoSafari Electronic Game. Card # 7 "My Family" (5 puntos)
Section II "B Level" Choose any two.
1. ___ Find and Read to a group of at least 3 students a children's book in Español that has family member vocabulary (10 puntos)
2. ___ Read and Complete the work in the Chapter/Hand-out "Family" 3. ___ Write & Act out a short skit using family members in Español, perform for at least 3 other students. (10 puntos)
4. ___ Complete the Photo Album handout & group of 3 students about each photo -1 sentence for each picture. Be sure to use family member vocab. (10 puntos)
Section III "A Level" Choose only one.
1. ___ Tell me your household family members; their names & relation to you en Español (15 puntos) 2. ___ Take & Pass a spelling test over all the family members (15 puntos)
***A+ Earn that last extra 5 points for daily clean up and participation---gracias!