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The Giver -Lois Lowry

by Laurie Hadden

Kearns Jr. High


Required- read the book for 35 points. Students follow along with the taped reading. After we are finished, each student will discuss a part of the book with the teacher. Students who have read the book will be able to discuss it and will earn the points. Students who have not been paying attention will not be able to complete this assignment and will not earn points. Points earned for reading-

Your choice - Choose any of these assignments for a maximum of 35 pts. You may work with a partner, but each of you must be able to explain on your own, what you learned from each assignment in order to earn the points. Use your imagination! Full credit given for work that shows effort and creativity.

1. Make an illustration to go with the book. Use paint, markers, colored pencils, pictures cut from magazines, or anything else you would like. ( 15pts)

2. Choose up to 10 interesting or unfamiliar words from the book. Make flash cards with the word on one side and the definition on the other. >earn the words and definitions. You earn one point for each word and definition memorized. (10pts)

3. Act out a scene from the book. you may work with partners. (10pts)

4. Create a diorama of the community or of the Givers dwelling. ( 20pts)

5. Create a poster for the book, or a new book cover. ( 15 pts)

6. Pretend you just received your "assignment." Make a list of rules that you might receive for your assignment. Jonas list is on page 68 of the novel. ( 10pts)

7. Jonas's community had no rain. Make a terrarium to show how plants can grow in a rainless environment. Ideas available from the teacher. (20pts)

8. Research the history of the bicycle to learn who invented it, where and when it was invented, and some of the different types of bicycles. (20pts)

9. Create a puppet or doll of a character from the book. Use materials you find around the house, or recycle old materials. (20pts)

10. Construct a time line, with pictures, of the events in the book. (15 pts)


choose one for a B of two for an "A" - 15 pts each

1. Create a diagram or chart showing your family tree going back to your great grandparents or further. you can design your own chart or use one provided by the teacher. choose one of your relatives, and talk to your parents to find out this relative's date of birth and one or two interesting bits of information about this relative that you didn't know before. Write down this information on the back of your family tree.

2. Write your own ending for the novel. Include dialogue (the talking between characters) and description. Do you like your ending better or the book's original ending" Why?

3. Some people think The Giver is not suitable for young people to read because of some of the things the book deals with. What might make them feel this way? List at least three reasons why the book might be a challenged, and then give at least three reasons why you think the book is good for students to read. Be specific and use examples from the book.

4. Jonas has changed a lot by the end of the book. How is he different from how he was at the beginning? How can you tell? what kind of person is he now? is he someone you admire? why? write a 2 to 3 sentence answer for each question. Be specific an use examples from the book.

89-100 =A 77-88=B 62-76=C 50-61=D <50=F