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Immigration - 5th grade

Mary Jackson Smith, Arlon Seay Intermediate

Spring Branch, Texas


points and grades:

50 PTS 90-100

40 PTS 80-89

30PTS 70 -79


Choose the number of points you wish to achieve.

Read the product lists.

Choose the products that will equal the number of points you wish to achieve.


All products will be completed in class during the first week of May.

Some work may have to be completed at home. All products will be turned in to the teacher by May 10th.



1. Write a 2-3 page essay explaining the problems of refugees in the world today. Be sure to explain where in the world this is happening, why the refugees are leaving their homeland, where they are going, and what happens to them once they leave their homeland. You may have to do some research. Work must be edited to receive full points

2. Family Tree Written and Oral Report-you will interview your family, gather documents and records about your immigrant ancestors, research country or countries of origin and write a brief history of thecountry, and write a written report of your family tree. If you decide on this, make sure you get a direction sheet from Mrs. Smith. You will combine written report and documents/records for an oral report.


1. Create a journal or diary for a fictitious immigrant. Pages of journal or diary should tell why person is leaving country and describe day-to-day journey of individual until he/she arrives at country of asylum. You should end with how the person‘s new life in new country is beginning. Work must be edited to receive full points 2. Create a Power Point slide show on computer to illustrate the hardships of refugees or describe what the process of immigration would be like for someone who is leaving his/her country. Make sure spelling is correct. Make good use of visuals and music.


1. On a poster create a map of the world showing where refugees are leaving their homelands. Be sure and correctly label the countries. At the bottom of the map create a legend that explains why the refugees in each country are leaving. All spelling must be correct to receive full points.

2. Write a 20 line rap, song or poem about violence, refugees, or the fact that America is a nation of immigrants. Work must be edited to receive full points.

4. Find out what an immigrant or refugee has to do to become a citizen of the United States. Create a visual and verbal brochure that describes the naturalization process for becoming a United States Citizen.


1. Bring a guest speaker to class, Ask someone who has recently immigrated to America to come speak to the class. Schedule speaker with Mrs. Smith. When speaker arrives, introduce the speaker to the class correctly and give some background information on speaker in order that students will know what to expect speaker to talk about.

2. Present a newscast about refugees and/or immigrants past or present to class. Information given should include WHO, WHEN, WHY, WHERE AND WHAT HAPPENED WHEN SUBJECTS ARRIVED IN COUNTRY OF ASYLUM.