Work and Energy Physics (HS)

by Jon Stern

New Paltz Central School District

New York

Unit Objectives
Distinguish between energy, work, and power.
Calculate work done by a force.
Calculate power used.
Identify the force that does work.

“C” Level Work (75 points maximum)
(underlined assignments are mandatory)
(*check the rubrics for this activity)
Complete notes for each lesson:
1_____    Energy  (5 points)
2_____    Work  (5 points)
3_____    Power  (5 points)

4_____    Create a web page or powerpoint:  (10 points)* the page should include information from one of the unit lectures.   It must include at least two graphics and two links.

5_____    Flash Cards:  (10 points)* create flash cards using the following words- work, power, energy, watt, joule, kinetic energy, work-energy theorem, energy transfer

6_____    Concept Map:  (10 points)* create a map using the following words- work, power, energy, watt, joule, kinetic energy, work-energy theorem, energy transfer.  You may do this on a sheet of paper or use the computer program “Inspiration”.

7_____    Book Work:  (5 points)* read Energy and Work on Pp. 223-230 of Glencoe Physics and complete study guide 10-1.

8_____    Video: Work and Power  (5 points)  watch the video and complete the accompanying worksheet.  The video can be accessed online at  Type in the username ______________ and password ___________ and search for Work and Power.

9_____    Video: A World in Motion: Work and Energy  (5 points)  watch the video and complete the accompanying worksheet.  The video can be accessed online at  Type in the username ______________ and password ___________ and search for A World in Motion.

10_____    Problem Set 1:  (15 points) complete questions 18-30 on P. 242.  Be sure to show all work.

11_____    Problem Set 2:  (15 points) complete questions 31-47 on P. 242-244.  Be sure to show all work.

12_____    Build an Incline:  (10 points- lab)  build an incline that will be used to move a mass.  Draw a diagram of the set up including vectors representing all forces.  Use this diagram to calculate the work, power, and energy involved in moving the mass.  Be sure to accurately measure the incline, mass, and forces.

13_____    Glencoe On-line Practice Quiz:  (5 points) Go to the Energy and Work Quiz on the Glencoe web site at  When you have answered all questions correctly print out the final page which shows your results.

 “B” Level Work (15 points maximum)*
14_____    Lab:  What is the Power Needed to Climb the Stairs?  (15 points)

15_____    Lab:  Interactive Physics- Work and Energy  (15 points)

“A” Level Work (10 points maximum)*
16_____    What sport requires the greatest amount of energy to play?  (10 points)

17_____    Who made a greater contribution to society, James Watt or James Prescott Joule?  (10 points)

18_____    Do today’s cars generate power more cheaply than they did 20 years ago?

Unit Test (100 points maximum)
To prepare for this test go to and take the practice exam for 5 extra points on the test.  Come in before the test to review the practice quiz and get another 5 extra points on the test.