The Late Middle Ages (850 to 1492 A. D.)
by: Daniel Rideout, Academy of the Pacific
Honolulu, Hawaii
This unit discusses the changes that took place in Western Europe during the late Middle Ages.
Discuss what roles the clergy, nobles and peasants played during
the late Middle Ages.
C LEVEL. . . . . . . . .
Maximum 65 points available from this unit.
For each Chapter in the unit, you may choose to do one, or more of the following:
Read chapter, answer all section review questions completely. 15 pts.
Chapter 24
Make a chart comparing the lives of a lord, a serf, and a monk.
Include information about the home, clothing, food, daily activities, and education of each. Illustrate your chart. 15 pts.
Create a mural in the fashion of tapestry made during the Middle Ages. Using a person from the chapter, include details of their dress and objects symbolizing their status in life. 15 pts.
Class activity- Relationships between lords and vassals. 10 pts.
TEAM UP- Prepare a fashion show that illustrates the dress of the wealthy, clergy and the peasants of Europe. Explain how this fashion influenced modern day styles.
Chapter 25
Design a stained glass window that tells a story of something learned in the chapter. 10 pts.
Find & define the Arabic word derived from: orange; giraffe; syrup; sofa; and muslin. 10 pts.
Class activity- Church influence on life during the Middle Ages. 10 pts.
Write a newspaper article explaining how the crusades got started and how it ultimately changed the way people lived. 10 pts.
Chapter 26
Class activity Growth of trade and towns. 10 pts.
Class activity Merchant Game 10 pts.
Make a poster that shows the different levels of guild workers. List the different types of crafts used guilds and what were the benefits of belonging to a guild. 10 pts.
Chapter 27
Make a chart that lists the French kings (sect. 1) and at least one beneficial reform they instigated. Present your findings to the class on a large poster. 10 pts.
Make a map showing the different monarchies of Western Europe. Create five geography-based questions from the map. Have answers to each question. 15 pts.
PAIR UP- Prepare a list of questions that a newspaper reporter might ask one of the people mentioned in the chapter. Role-play the interview for the class. 10 pts.
B LEVEL. Select one only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Each activity 15 points.
Create your own coat of arms using the provided worksheet as a guide. Share your results.
Research and report on one of the following reformers: the monks of Cluny; Pope Gregory VII; and the friars. Answer these questions: How did the reformers attempt to change the Church? How successful were the reformers in achieving their desired goal? Share results.
Create a poster in the style of stain glass windows to tell a story you have learned about the people or events during the Middle Ages. Display your work.
Make a map showing the various routes used by the crusaders to reach the Middle East.
Show Western Europe, Middle East, topographic features, legend explaining routes.
PAIR UP- Write up an interview between a squire and a knight on how nobles achieve knighthood and what a knights duties were. Then role play the conversation to the class. One student plays the knight while the other plays the squire.
Imagine you are a cook during the Middle Ages. Plan a banquet for a king and his court.
What foods would be served? Share your research with the class. Include visuals or props.
Explain the importance of cooperation and interdependency among kings, lords, vassals, knights and peasants in maintaining feudal society. Devise a graphic organizer that shows these relationships.
Imagine you are member of the childrens Crusade. Prepare for the trip by making a list of what you will take with you and a map showing your planned route. Share your research.
TEAM UP- Research and report on the European lifestyle of a knight differed from the lifestyle he had in the Middle East. Be sure to explain housing, food, clothing and other adjustments he made to his new home.
Create a Diorama that depicts a miniature scene of a fair or burg. Write a brief description
Research on what the Black plague really was, what effect it had on towns,, what people did to combat the disease, and how it was eradicated. Show your findings on a display.
Compare the forms of punishment for crimes committed during the Middle Ages with those of today in our country. Create a chart showing your findings. Have the class vote on the best.
TEAM UP- Create a newspaper that was written in 1066 AD. Design the headlines, various accounts of the battle of Hastings, include illustrations of events and political cartoons.
A LEVEL. Select One. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Each activity 20 points.
Explain why chess was a popular game during the Middle Ages. And describe how the game was like feudal society. Research the history of Chess and present your findings to the class.
Who would a king go to for medical problems? Who would treat peasants diseases? What dins of treatments were commonly used?
Research the roles of women from the different classes (nobility, clergy, common people, and merchants). Report your findings, include a comparison of the roles, goals and beliefs of medieval women with those of women today to the class.
During the Middle Ages, last names were for the first time wide spread. Research and present a report on the origin and development of the following names: Bridges, Fletcher, Ford, Masterson, Smith, Taylor, or other English names they choose from their reading. (You may instead want to research your own family name.)
If you had lived during the Middle Ages, what position do you think you would have held- a noble, peasant farmer, or a monk? Explain why you think this role seems most likely.
Research the music fostered by the Church during the Middle Ages-Gregorian Chant. Find some recorded music and learn how and why it was created. Compare it with todays music.
You are an editor of a newspaper, Write two editorials: one written about 1220 AD Titled Why We Need To Establish Guilds, the other written about 1400, titled Why We Need To Abolish Guilds.
GRADE: A= 86+ B= 71 85 C= 56 70 D= 40 55 F= less than 40
C projects
(65pts) =_______+_______+_______+_______+_______+_______ =_______
B project (15pts) =_________
A project (20pts) =_________
Unit 7 Grade =__________
I am providing your child with a new way to earn points this semester.
We have already worked with this format for over three weeks.
Students will work on each unit for three weeks.
Students are given class time to complete work and ask for assistance.
The rest of the class will be used to provide them with opportunities
to make better connections with the time period.
This method of learning is called Layered Curriculum.
This is done by allowing students to work towards the grade they want,
by completing different projects available at three difficulty levels.
The C projects can be easily found in the textbook.
The "B project requires an outside resource to obtain the maximum
The A project requires an outside resource, the ability to
synthesize a collection of data, and demonstrate a high level
of understanding to earn the maximum points.
Using this format I feel comfortable having students earn
substantially higher grades than I am used to recording.
I will not use a bell curve!