Here's a link to download the "Last Minute Information" I had emailed you this morning.
Instructions for Training Session
Layered Curriculum® Trainer
On-Line Training
April 18 - 19, 2008.
Who is Eligible to
be a Trainer?
Anyone with hands-on practical experience with Layered Curriculum® who has attended a full day workshop presented by Kathie Nunley.
What are the advantages
to being a licensed Trainer?
Having expertise in Layered Curriculum® naturally puts you
in-demand for sharing your knowledge with colleagues and conducting professional
development sessions. Having a license to use the trademark allows you to charge
money for your presentations. Licensed trainers are also
eligible to receive rebates on book orders made to their clients and are referred
out for follow-up workshops by Kathie Nunley. You may
want to conduct workshops only in your immediate area or you may be looking
to launch a sideline business nation-wide. The choices are yours.
What is involved
in the training?
In the past, our trainers weekends were held at various sites around the US.
A total of 15 hours of training was held between 5pm on Friday and noon on
Sunday of the weekend. This is our first "online" training session
so we have a bit more latitude with schedules. You will be required to be "online"
the real-time web conference room from 5 - 7pm on Friday and 10am - 4pm on Saturday.
Other activities will take about 3 hours of your time
during the follow-up week but will be at your convenience. In addition, before
getting a license you will be required to develop 4 additional
Layered Curriculum® units outside your teaching field as well as a paper
comparing Layered Curriculum to 2 other teaching models, and submit an
outline of your intended presentation. Details of this will come with the course
For the actual training sessions, you will need a computer with
Windows 2000 or XP with a high speed Internet connection (not wireless) and
headset / microphone.
How do I maintain
a License?
Licenses are granted for one calendar year. Licenses are renewed each December for trainers actively using them.
How much does it
The cost of the training session is $295.00. You can pay with a check, Visa
/ Mastercard or a School Purchase Order. There is no cost
to maintain or renew your license. Every trainer determines their own speaking
fees and those fees belong solely to you.
How do I Register?
Cut and paste the Application below into a Word Document. Complete
the form and email, fax or mail it to us with your deposit.
Additional details and a course outline will be emailed to you.
Your Name:____________________________________ Address:______________________________________
City__________________________ State____ Zip__________ Email:___________________________________
phone number (____) ______________________
Your present position in education (6th grade science teacher,
High School Principal, etc):
A $50.00 deposit is required with this application which will be applied
toward your total session fee of $295.00
____School Purchase Order# ______________(include signed PO) - FAX or Mail
____ Check enclosed for $50.00 (made out to
- Mail
____VISA/MASTERCARD #____________________________________________ exp.________
CVV #________(3 digits)
name on card_________________________________________ signature________________________________
1. On a separate piece of paper or in an email, "cut and paste" and answer the following questions:
____ Yes I attended a workshop with Dr. Kathie Nunley. When and where did you attend a Layered Curriculum® workshop?
____ Yes I have designed and implemented at least 5 units of Layered Curriculum. Their Titles and Grade Level:
_____Yes, I've already submitted these units to you (please list the exact URL title at where they are posted) OR
_____I'm attaching them electronically to this email.
_____Briefly, tell me a bit about your experience with Layered Curriculum (the good, the bad, how long you've been using it, any experience helping other teachers, etc) .
____ I want to be a trainer because:
__ a.. I want to work within my own school district as part of my job or as a consultant
__ b. I want to market myself as a trainer to school districts in my region/state
__ c. I want to travel outside of my area or nationally to present workshops at schools and conferences
2. Email your application materials to Or fax to 208-979-0678. If you are paying your deposit with a school Purchase Order, make sure to attach a copy of the signed PO. If paying with personal check, mail to: Help4Teachers, 54 Ponemah Road, Amherst, NH 03031.
3. Materials are due by March 7, 2008. You will receive a confirmation email confirming the acceptance of your application. A letter and course outline detailing the training will follow.
Outline of Training Course:
Session I: Introduction & self reflection
Session II: Student-centered instruction (homework: readings)
Session III: Student-centered instruction -article discussion
Session IV: Layered Curriculum® Key Component: Choice
Session V: Exceptionalities & Diversity in the classroom.
Session VI: Layered Curriculum Key Component: Accountability
Session VII: Introducing Layered Curriculum® : Presenting to a group.
Session VIII: What's in a Layer? and other FAQ
Session IX: Providing follow-up.
Session X: Technical, logistical, legal issues
Completion of the course requires:
Upon completion of the course, your license, certificate and completed forms packet will be priority mailed to you.
Trainers must send a brief report twice a year as an update on activity. Presentation fees are at the discretion of the trainer.
Layered Curriculum is a trademark developed by and registered
to Kathie F Nunley, EdD.
54 Ponemah Rd
Amherst, NH 03031