John Steinbeck's The Red Pony
unit by Morey Fugate,
Liberty Family Academy Charter School
Prunedale, CA
Date due
'C' level - maximum 65 pts.
1. Read book as assigned and participate in class discussion. 5pts.
2. Make a crossword puzzle using 20 vocabulary words ( 5 pts.
3. Choose any two characters from the book and complete a character trait map for each of them, using page numbers of supporting details from the book. 10 pts.
4. Make a colorful and creative "movie" poster of this book; what actors would play each part? 10 pts.
5. Make a comparison/contrast chart on Billy Buck and Jody's father. 5 pts.
6. Make a plot hill of the events of this book. Include the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. (This will need to be done after the book is finished.) 5 pts
7. Write a poem expressing what you believe is the theme of this book. 10 pts.
8. Draw your favorite scene from the book. This must be a detailed drawing, colored, on 8.5 x 11 paper, and you must include the page(s) number(s). Page number(s) 10 pts.
9. Rewrite the ending of the story. 10 pts.
10. Make a diorama of the ranch. 10 pts.
11. Create a word search using 15-20 vocabulary words 5 pts.
'B' level - choose one- worth 25 pts.
1. Write a 500 word report about John Steinbeck. Please type/word process and double space.
2. Pretend you are Jody and write a letter to someone telling how this experience has changed
your life.
'A' level - worth 25 pts. Choose one.
1. The action in this book takes place in the Salinas Valley. Design and draw a three-fold brochure describing and promoting the Salinas Valley at the time of "The Red Pony". (Imagine you are a travel agent, trying to get tourists to visit.) You can even use a real travel brochure as a model. This should be colorful and creative.
2. Choose three quotations from "The Red Pony" and write a discussion about how they relate to the major themes in the novel. Must be at least 5 paragraphs, typed and double-spaced.
C= 40-60pts. B= 61-85 A= 86-100 A+= 100-110
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Teacher signature Date
In addition to the layered curriculum assignment for The Red Pony by John Steinbeck, a project
is assigned. The time allotted for the project is 4 weeks. The project is due
This project consists of the following:
1. Find 10 quotes you like from the book. Write them down along with the page number where
they can be found.
2. Take photographs of places that remind you of the quotes.
3. Develop the photographs, mount them (no more than 2 to a page), and write the quote with the
page number where it can be found below the photo.
4. Put the pages together with a cover.
5. On the cover put the following information:
a. Title (The Red Pony)
b. Author
c. Your name
d. Date
e. Your grade
Student signature Date
Parent signature Date
Teacher signature Date
Morey Fugate