Roller Coaster Unit Part 1
Brandi Thompson
7th Grade Science
Ascension Parish

Grading Scale 0 - 66 F 67 - 74 D 75 - 85 C 86 - 92 B 93 + A

Ticket Collecting Stage: 5 points each - Basic

1. *** Listen and take notes What is motion***

2. *** Listen and take notes Acceleration***

3. *** Listen and take notes Momentum***

*** Required Assignments***

Loading Area: 10 points each (complete 3 of 4) - Basic

1. What is motion?

2. Acceleration

3. Momentum

4. Motion and Momentum

Kiddy Rides: 10 point each (complete 4 of 5) - Mastery

1. Mini Lab Measuring Average Speed

2. Mini Lab Modeling Acceleration

3. Collision

4. Car Safety Testing

5. Motion of a Bowling Ball

Big Thrills Rides: 5 points each - Advanced

1.*** Rolling with a Coaster.***

2. ***Downward Bound***

3. ***A Momentous Problem***

*** Required Assignments***

Student Signature- 2 Bonus Points

Parents Signature - 2 Bonus Points

Roller Coaster Unit Part 2

Grading Scale 0 - 66 F 67 - 74 D 75 - 85 C 86 - 92 B 93 + A

_____ Proposal Phase - 30 Points

Write a letter (5 points) _____ Points Earned

Strong Introduction _____

Good Conclusion _____

Correct Spelling _____

Correct Grammar _____

Content of letter should include:

The name of the ride and the target audience (10 points) _____PE

The places on the ride where you can find the laws of motion (10 points) _____PE

Describe the safety features (5 points) _____PE

_____ Brochure - 20 Points

The points of the ride (10 points) _____ Points Earned

Why would you want to ride the ride, What age group are you targeting, etc.

Name and Picture of the ride (5 Points) _____ Points Earned

Presentation (5 Points) _____ Points Earned

Colorful, Neat, Appealing to the Target Audience

_____ Fast Track Phase- 20 Points

Design of the ride matches the picture (7.5 Points) _____ Points Earned

Testing of the ride (will the ride actually work) (7.5 Points) _____ Points Earned

Questions are answered (5 Points) _____ Points Earned

_____ Evaluation Phase - 30 Points

Write a Paragraph that includes (5 points) _____ Points Earned

Good Introduction _____

Good Conclusion _____

Correct Spelling _____

Correct Grammar _____

Content of paragraph should include:

Obstacles and solutions to those obstacles (10 Points) _____ Points Earned

Positive and Negative Aspects about the project (10 Points) _____ Points Earned

Student Participation Evaluation (5 Points) _____ Points Earned


Student Signature- 2 Bonus Points

Parents Signature - 2 Bonus Points