Application for the Layered Curriculum Licensed Trainer Week-end
August 5 - 7, 2005 in Olean, New York

Your Name:____________________________________ Address:______________________________________
City__________________________ State____ Zip__________ Email:___________________________________
phone number (____) ______________________

Your present position in education (6th grade science teacher, High School Principal, etc):


A $50.00 deposit is required with this application which will be applied toward your total session fee of $495.00
____School Purchase Order# ______________(include signed PO) - FAX or Mail

____ Check enclosed for $50.00 (made out to - Mail
____VISA/MASTERCARD #____________________________________________ exp.________ CVV #________(3 digits)
name on card_________________________________________ signature________________________________


1. On a separate piece of paper or in an email, "cut and paste" and answer the following questions:

____ Yes I attended a workshop with Dr. Kathie Nunley. When and where did you attend a Layered Curriculum workshop?

____ Yes I have designed and implmented at least 5 units of Layered Curriculum. Their Titles and Grade Level:


_____Yes, I've already submitted these units to you OR

_____I'm attaching them electronically to this email.

____Yes I have experience with implementing Layered Curriculum in a classroom. Briefly, tell me a bit about your experience with Layered Curriculum (the good, the bad, how long you've been using it, any experience helping other teachers, etc) .

____Yes, I want to be a trainer because:

__ a.. I want to work within my own school dsitrict as part of my job or as a consultant

__ b. I want to market myself as a trainer to school districts in my region/state

__ c. I want to travel outside of my area or nationally to present workshops at schools and conferences

2. Email your application materials to Or fax to 208-979-0678. If you are paying your deposit with a school Purchase Order, make sure to attach a copy of the signed PO. If paying with personal check, mail to: Help4Teachers, 54 Ponemah Road, Amherst, NH 03031.

3. Materials are due by June 16th. We MUST have at least 6 applicants for the week-end course to carry. We can take as many as 10, but given the informal seminar format, the group will be held to those numbers. You will receive a confirmation email by June 16th letting you know the status of the course. A letter detailing the training will follow.


The site for the training will be Olean, NY beginning at 5 pm on Friday, September 24, 2004 and concluding at noon on Sunday, September 26, 2004.

The cost for the course will be $495.00 and includes the training, training materials, certificate, business cards, order forms, and website posting, as well as an evening reception on Friday night, breakfast Saturday and Sunday and break refreshments on all days. You would be responsible for additional costs such as transportation to/from Olean (a rental car will probably be required if you are flying in as we will be in the mountains, 60 miles south of Buffalo), hotel, and other meals. Discounted hotel rooms will be blocked and that information provided with your confirmation. Assistance with travel arrangements is available. Visa/Mastercard, personal check and School Purchase Orders will be acceptable forms of payment. A deposit of $50.00 holds your space for the August seminar. Deposits are fully- refundable up to June 25, 2005. Final payment will be due by July 20, 2005. Space is very limited. - APPLICATIONS DUE BY June 16th at 5:00 pm Eastern Time.

Outline of Training Course:

Session I: Introduction & self reflection
Session II: Student-centered instruction (homework: readings)
Session III: Student-centered instruction -article discussion
Session IV: Layered Curriculum Key Component: Choice
Session V: Exceptionalities & Diversity in the classroom.
Session VI: Layered Curriculum Key Component: Accountability
Session VII: Introducing Layered Curriculum: Presenting to a group.
Session VIII: What's in a Layer? and other FAQ
Session IX: Providing follow-up.
Session X: Technical, logistical, legal issues

Completion of the course requires:

Upon completion of the course, your license, certificate and completed forms packet will be priority mailed to you.

Trainers must order workshop materials through help4teachers in order to maintain certification. (minimum presentation material order 50 participants/year) In addition trainers must send a brief report twice a year for a newsletter update. Presentation fees are at the discretion of the trainer.

Layered Curriculum is a trademark developed and owned by Kathie F Nunley, EdD.
54 Ponemah Rd
Amherst, NH 03031



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