2nd grade Reading
Martha Verde, Cleveland Schools
Day 1
Listen to the story Alexander's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
Choose one activity
1. Draw a picture of the part of the story that you liked the best.
2. Write 1 sentence about the part that made you laugh and 1 sentence about why it made you
Day 2
Watch the cartoon of Alexander's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day Choose one activity
1. Draw a time line of what happened 1st, 2nd, 3rd
2. Using clay make object of something that you would like to have.
Day 3 Choose one activity
1. Get in a group of 3 and talk about a day when everything went wrong for you. Share your experience with the class.
2. Write about a day when everything went wrong.
Day 4 Choose one activity
1. Worksheet same/different, Compare the book with the cartoon. Put a check in the box next to each sentence showing if it was the same or different.
2. Fold a piece of paper in half. Write Book on one side and Cartoon on the other side. Draw a
picture of something that was different in the book and in the cartoon.
Day5 Choose one activity
1. Make a puppet show by yourself or with one of your friends showing what to do when you have a bad day. Perform it in front of the class.
2. Form a group of 3 or 4 friends. Make up a play showing what to do if you or someone else is having a bad day. Perform it in front of the class.