Biology Unit 11 Classification and Behavior Layered Assignments
Alan Dewey
Wabasso High School
1. Use the seven level classification system devised by Linnaeus to compare relationships between organisms.
2. Explain the difference between scientific and common names and why scientists use scientific names when describing organisms.
3. Use a dichotomous key to identify organisms.
4. Explain how organisms are classified into the kingdoms based on cell type (prokaryotic/eukaryotic), number of cells (unicellular/multicellular), and method of obtaining energy (autotrophic/heterotrophic).
5. Recognize that organisms have both innate and learned behavioral responses to internal and external stimuli, including the tropic responses in plants.
Day 1- Hamburger Bacteria Lab
*0. Complete hamburger bacteria lab (BK-5 pts).
Day 2- Classification Introduction
*1. Complete fastener classification lab activity (BK-5 pts).
Day 3- Levels of Classification
____ 1-2a. Complete worksheet pgs. 1-2 (VL-5 pts).
1-2b. Make a poster showing the seven levels of classification
with examples and write a short paragraph explaining why common names
can cause confusion (VS, VL-5 pts).
Day 4- Dichotomous Keys
*3. Complete shark dichotomous key worksheet (LM-5
Day 5- Evolutionary Trees
*1-4. Complete practice exercises in class and problem solving
worksheet (LM, VL-5 pts)
Day 6- Kingdoms
____ 4a. Make a set of flashcards for identifying the kingdoms (VS-5 pts).
4b. Complete concept map worksheet (VL-5 pts).
Days 7-8- Behavior Work Days
*5a. Complete behavior concept maps (VL, VS-10 pts).
Day 9- Migration Lab
*5b. Complete migration lab and migration worksheet (VS, VL-5
10- Wolf Behavior Video
Day 11- Behavior Labs
*5d. Complete behavior labs- pgs. 897, 902, 644 (BK, IE-5 pts).
Day 12- Review/Work Day
____ *All. Complete review worksheet (VL-5 pts).
All. Listen to lecture and take notes each day (VL)
2 3
4 5
Day 13- Unit 11 Quiz
*All. Complete Unit 11 Quiz- must get 7/10 in order to pass
the unit (VL-10 pts).
Day 14- Layer B work day
Day 15- Layer A work day/All assignments due
*1. Construct a dichotomous key for identifying 8
teachers at Wabasso High School (descriptions must be
2 resources cited below, either write a 1 page paper or create a 6
slide powerpoint presentation exploring one of the questions
below. When answering questions the first paragraph should be
an introduction and relate the question to class, the second paragraph
should give information (pro and con), and the last paragraph should
include your conclusion and opinion on the question posed.
All writing should be in your own words!
____ 1. Is the new 3 domain classification system better than the current 6 kingdom classification system?
____ 2. Complete beetle dichotomous key lab pgs. 474-475.
3. In groups of 3-4, create and perform a skit about
discovering and classifying a new organism. Include features
of the organisms behavior.
Source #1- Title:
Date of article:
Source #2- Title:
Date of article:
Total Grade: _____ / 100 Parent/Guardian Signature (XC): _____________________________