Biology Unit 9 Human Genetics and Genetic Technology Layered Assignments
Alan Dewey
Wabasso High School
1. Be able to analyze a pedigree
2. Understand how some human traits differ from regular Mendelian genetics, including incomplete dominance and codominance, blood types, and sex-linked traits.
3. Understand how a karyotype can be used to predict genetic abnormalities in fetuses.
4. Describe how some diseases can sometimes be predicted by genetic testing and how this affects parental and community decisions.
5. Recognize that artificial selection has led to offspring through successive generations that can be very different in appearance and behavior from their distant ancestors.
6. Describe the social, economic and ecological risks and benefits of biotechnology in agriculture and medicine. For example: Selective breeding, genetic engineering, and antibiotic development and use.
____ *1. Complete practice exercise #1 in class (VL-5 pts).
____ *2a. Complete worksheet (LM, VL-5 pts).
____ *2b. Complete worksheets (LM, VL-5 pts).
____ *2c. Complete worksheets (LM, VL-5 pts).
*3a Complete karyotype project (BK, VS-10 pts).
Day 8- Unit 9 Quiz
*1-3. Complete Unit 9 Quiz- must get 7/10 in order to pass the
unit (VL-10 pts).
Day 9- Genetic Cases
*4. Complete Genetic Cases lab in class (IE-5 pts).
Day 10- Artificial Selection/Selective Breeding
____ 5-6a. Using a unique example (different from your classmates) write a half page summary describing how selective breeding can make organisms different from their ancestors (VL-5 pts).
5-6b. Using a unique example (different from your classmates)
make a poster showing how selective breeding can make organisms
different from their ancestors (VS-5 pts).
Day 11- Genetic Engineering
*6a. Complete genetic engineering lab pg. 362 (BK, VS-5 pts).
Day 12- Cloning/Stem Cells
*6b. Write a 3-4 sentence summary explaining how cloning works
(VL-5 pts).
Day 13- DNA Fingerprinting
____ *6c. Complete dye gel lab and practice exercise in class (IE, LM-5 pts).
All. Listen to lecture and take notes each day (VL)
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
Day 14- Layer A work day/All assignments due
*1. Choose one human trait we looked at in lab
(tongue rolling, ear lobes, widow’s peak, etc). Collect
information from your family (10-20 people) concerning the trait (male,
female, who does or does not have the trait). Construct a
pedigree for the trait including genotypes, phenotypes, and a
key. This project will need to be done all on your
own time and will be due at the very end of the unit.
2 resources cited below, either write a 1 page paper or create a 6
slide powerpoint presentation exploring one of the questions
below. When answering questions the first paragraph should be
an introduction, the second paragraph should give information (pro and
con), and the last paragraph or slide should include your conclusion
and opinion on the question posed. Make sure you relate your
question to material discussed in class.
____ 1. Is biotechnology (genetic engineering) good or bad for agriculture? What has been its effect on a specific plant or animal?
____ 2. Is human cloning good or bad? Why is it so controversial?
3. Is stem cell research good or
bad? Why is it so controversial?
Source #1- Title:
Date of article:
Source #2- Title:
Date of article:
Total Grade: _____ / 100 Parent/Guardian Signature (XC): _____________________________