Earth Science Chapter 10 Layered Assignments
A Trip Through Geologic Time
Alan Dewey
Wabasso High School
Day 1- Fossils (Section 10.1)
____ 1. Make a poster showing the process by which fossils form (VS-5 pts).
____ 2. Pretend you are an animal.
Write a story about how you become a fossil after you die (VL-5 pts).
Days 2-3- The Relative Age of Rocks (Section 10.2)
____ 3. *Complete Bedrock Correlation Lab (VS, BK-5 pts).
____ 4. *Complete “Finding Clues to Rock Layers” lab pg. 322 (LM-5 pts).
____ 5. Complete section 10.2 worksheet (VL-5 pts).
____ 6. Write a summary of the
law of superposition and how relative dating of fossils works (VL-5
Day 4- Radioactive Dating (Section 10.3)
____ 7. *Complete M&M’s lab (BK, VS, LM-5 pts).
____ 8. Complete section 10.3 worksheet (VL-5 pts).
____ 9. Make a poster explaining
half-life (VS-5 pts)
Day 5- The Geologic Time Scale and Early Earth (Sections 10.4-10.5)
____ 10. *Complete section 10.4
Discover activity (LM-5 pts).
Day 6- Lab/Work Day
____ 11. *Complete “As Time
Goes By” lab pg. 346-347 (LM-5 pts).
Day 7- Eras of Earth’s History (Section 10.6)
____ 12 *Complete section 10.6 worksheet (VL-5 pts).
____ 13. *Create a geologic
timeline of Earth's history. Use pgs. 338-341 and include major
events with pictures for each period. Be creative! (VS, LM-10
Days 8-9 Layer C Work Days
____ 14. *Complete 5 ?’s review worksheet (VL-5 pts).
____ 15. Listen to lecture and take notes each day (VL). 1 2 3 4 5
____ 16. Create a board game based on this unit (VS, IE-10 pts).
____ 17 Write a 1 pg. creative story about a certain organism that occurred during one of the major periods. Include facts about what that organism would have experienced during that time (VL-10 pts).
____ 18. Write a song or rap with 2-3 other people about the geologic time scale (MU, IE-10 pts).
____ 19. Make vocab flashcards or crossword for all relevant terms in the unit (VL-10 pts).
____ 20. Complete EOC pg. 349-351 #1-4, 8, 12-14, 17-18, 22-25 (VL-10 pts).
Days 10-11- Layer B lab.
____ 1. Make a travel brochure for one of the time periods discussed in class. The brochure should be well designed and laid out well. Be sure to include:
-Plants and animals present -Weather, climate, and environment
Using 2 sources, write a three
paragraph paper no longer than one page to answer one question below.
The first paragraph should be an introduction. The second paragraph
should give facts and information about your question, including pros
and cons if your question has them. The third paragraph should
give your opinion based on your research. You should list your
sources below.
____ 1. What caused the extinction at the end of the Cretaceous era that killed the dinosaurs and many other species?
____ 2. What are some pros and cons of using potassium-argon dating to date ancient rocks?
____ 3. What are some common MN fossils and what do they tell us about MN’s geologic history?
____ 4. Find articles on
two recent fossil discoveries. Write a 3-4 sentence summary on
each one for your first 2 paragraphs. The third paragraph should
include your thoughts on the articles and how they relate to what was
discussed in class. is a good website to start
Source #1- Title:
Date of article:
Source #2- Title:
Date of article:
Total Grade: _____ / 100 Parent/Guardian Signature (XC): __________________________