Earth Science Chapters 12, 13, 15, 16 Layered Assignments
Water and the Atmosphere
Alan Dewey
Wabasso High School
Day 1- Water Cycle (Section 12.1)
____ 1. *Complete water cycle activity in class (VS-5 pts).
2. *Complete 12.1 worksheet (VL-5 pts).
Day 2- Currents and Climate (Section 13.4)
3. *Complete 13.4 worksheet (VL-5 pts).
Day 3- Modeling Ocean Currents Lab
4. *Complete modeling ocean currents lab (BK-5 pts).
Day 4- The Air Around You and Air Pressure (Sections 15.1-15.2)
____ 5. Make a poster showing the gases in the atmosphere (VS-5 pts).
6. Complete 15.1 worksheet (VL-5 pts).
Day 5- Layers of the Atmosphere (Section 15.3)
____ 7. Complete analyzing data pg. 526 (LM-5 pts).
____ 8. Make a poster showing the layers of the atmosphere (VS-5 pts).
9. Complete 15.3 worksheet (VL-5 pts).
Days 6-7 Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere and Heat Transfer (Sections 16.1-16.2)
____ 10. *Complete heating Earth’s atmosphere lab (BK-5 pts).
____ 11. Make a poster explaining how convection currents heat the atmosphere (VS-5 pts).
12. Pretend you are a molecule in the atmosphere (say which
one you are) and describe your journey as convection currents move you
through the atmosphere (VL-5 pts).
Day 8- Winds (Section 16.3)
13. *Complete section 16.3 worksheet (VL-5 pts).
Days 9-10 Layer C Work Days
____ 14. *Complete review ?’s worksheet (VL-5 pts).
____ 15. Listen to lecture and take notes each day (VL). 1 2 3 4 5
____ 16. Write a skit or news report with 2-3 other people about ocean and wind currents (BK, IE-10 pts).
____ 17. Write a song or rap with 2-3 other people about ocean and wind currents (MU, IE-10 pts).
18. Make vocab flashcards or crossword for all relevant terms
in the unit (VL-10 pts).
____ 1. *Complete weather watch project throughout this unit.
2 sources, write a three paragraph paper no longer than one page to
answer one question below. The first paragraph should be an
introduction. The second paragraph should give facts and
information about your question, such as pros and cons. The
third paragraph should give your opinion based on your
research. You should list your sources below.
____ 1 How does pressure affect SCUBA divers? (tank, lungs, depth, ascent rate, gas in the blood stream)
____ 1 How did El Nino affect the weather during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics? Make sure to include
background info on El Nino
____ 3. Is the ozone layer currently being damaged? Should the world be concerned about any damage that
may be occurring?
Source #1- Title:
Date of article:
Source #2- Title:
Date of article:
Total Grade: _____ / 100 Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________