Earth Science Chapter 19 Earth, Moon, and Sun Layered Assignments
Alan Dewey
Wabasso High School
1. The student will explain how the combination of the Earth's tilted axis and revolution around the sun causes the progression of seasons and weather patterns.
2. The student will use the predictability of the motions of the Earth, and sun to explain the length of day, length of year, phases of the moon, eclipses, tides and shadows.
3. The student will explain the differences between the Earth and the moon.
Day 1- Earth in Space (Section 19.1)
____ 1. Read section 19.1 and complete worksheet (VL-5 pts).
Days 2-3- Phases, Eclipses, and Tides (Section 19.3) (Choose 2 from #5-12)
____ 4. *Complete a “moonth” of phases lab, pg. 678-679 (BK-5 pts).
____ 5. Read section 19.3 and complete worksheet (VL-5 pts).
____ 6. Write two paragraphs summarizing eclipses and tides (VL- 5 pts).
____ 7. Make a table that compares and contrasts solar eclipses and lunar eclipses (LM-5 pts).
____ 8. Make a table that compares and contrasts spring and neap tides (LM-5 pts).
____ 9. Make a poster showing lunar and solar eclipse (VS-5 pts).
____ 10. Make a poster showing spring and neap tides (VS-5 pts).
____ 11. Complete lunar and solar eclipses worksheet (VL- 5 pts).
12. Complete high and low tides worksheet (VL-5 pts).
Day 4- Earth’s Moon (Section 19.4)
____ 13. Read section 19.4 and complete worksheet (VL-5 pts).
____ 14. Make a table of 5 characteristics comparing the earth & moon (diameter, orbit, info, etc.) (LM-5 pts).
15. Make a poster of the earth and moon to scale- include
surface differences (VS-5 pts).
Day 5- Layer C Work Day
____ 16. Listen to lecture and take notes each day (VL) 1 2 3 4 5
____ 17. *Complete review ?’s worksheet (VL-5 pts).
____ 18. Make vocab flashcards or crossword for all relevant terms in the unit (VL-10 pts).
____ 19. In groups of 3-4 write and perform a skit about phases or seasons (BK, IE-10 pts).
____ 20. In groups of 3-4 write and perform a song about phases or seasons (MU, IE-10 pts).
____ 21. Complete review questions pg. 695-697 #1, 3-4, 6. 8-9, 11, 14-17, 26-28; 1-6. (VL-10 pts).
____ 1. Observe the moon over five days. For each day draw the surface features you see and include the phase it is in (NA, VS).
____ 2. Perform a class survey with a questions such as would you go to the moon? Summarize your results, including a graph (LM, IE).
____ 3. Is the Earth closer to the sun in the summer? Write a one half page including evidence of why this statement is true or false (VL).
____ 4. Create a want ad for astronauts. Must include a poster and a paragraph explaining responsibilities and potential hazards (VS).
2 sources, write a three paragraph paper no longer than one page to
answer one question below. The first paragraph should be an
introduction. The second paragraph should give facts and
information about your question, such as pros and cons. The
third paragraph should give your opinion based on your
research. You should list your sources below.
____ 1. Should we continue exploration of the moon?
____ 2. Should the government continue funding space exploration?
____ 3. Compare/contrast US and Russia space exploration.
4. Compare/contrast the Earth’s moon with another moon in the
Solar System. The best website to visit for this is
Source #1- Title:
Date of article:
Source #2- Title:
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Grade: _____ / 70 Parent/Guardian Signature (XC):