Earth Science Chapters 3-4 Layered Assignments
Minerals and Rocks
Alan Dewey
Wabasso High School
Day 1- Properties of Minerals (Section 3.1)
____ 1. Complete sections 3.1-3.2 worksheets (VL-5 pts).
____ 2. Make a poster illustrating the properties used to identify minerals (VS-5 pts).
3. Make a poster showing the Mohs hardness scale (LM, VS-5
Day 2- How Minerals Form (Section 3.2)
4. *Grow a crystal garden in class (BK-5 pts).
Day 3- Mineral Density Lab/Using Mineral Resources (Section 3.3)
5. *Complete mineral density lab (5 pts).
Days 4-5- Mineral Identification Lab
6. *Complete the mineral identification lab (BK, IE- 10 pts).
Day 6- Classifying Rocks (Section 4.1)
____ 7. Complete section 4.1 worksheets (VL-5 pts).
8. Make a poster illustrating the properties used to classify
rocks (VS-5 pts).
Days 7-8- Types of Rocks (Sections 4.2-4.4)
____ 9. Complete sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.5 worksheets (LM-10 pts).
10. Make a poster illustrating one of the types of one of the
categories of rocks (VS-10 pts).
Day 9- The Rock Cycle (Section 4.6)
____ 11. Complete the section 4.6 worksheets (VL- 5 pts).
____ 12. Create a poster showing the rock cycle (VS-5 pts).
____ 13. Using clay, model a rock going through the rock cycle (BK- 5 pts).
____ 14. Write a skit with 2-3 other people about the rock cycle (BK, IE-10 pts).
____ 15. Write a song or rap about the rock cycle (MU, IE-10 pts).
____ 16. With 1-2 other people create a game that allows the player to review the rock cycle (IE-10 pts).
17. Design a children’s book or a comic strip that explains
what can happen to a sedimentary rock as it changes throughout the rock
cycle (VL, VS-10 pts).
Day 10- Layer C Work Day
____ 18. *Complete 5 ?’s review worksheet (VL-5 pts).
____ 19. Listen to lecture and take notes each day (VL). 1 2 3 4 5
____ 20. Make vocab flashcards or crossword for all relevant terms in the unit (VL-5 pts).
____ 21. Complete review questions pgs. 89-90 #1-5, 6-9, 12-15, 18; pgs. 1-3, 5-7, 9, 12, 17-20 (VL, IA-10 pts).
Days 11-12- Rock Identification Lab (Section 4.6)
22. *Complete rock identification lab (BK, IE- 10 pts).
Day 13- Layer B- Rock Collection Lab.
Day 15- (if needed) All assignments due.
____ 1. *Rock Collection- students will collect 10-12 rocks and organize them in a display that should include the rock # in collection, date collected, location, location description, rock description (color, shape, size, grains, bands, etc.), classification (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic), and identification.
a three paragraph paper no longer than one page to answer one question
below. The questions may require additional
research. The first paragraph should be an introduction to
your question. The second paragraph should give facts and
information about your question, such as pros and cons. The
third paragraph should give your opinion based on your
research. You should list your sources below.
1. Gem Sleuths: Go to
____ 2. Why are diamonds such a valued mineral?
____ 3. What minerals are important to a person’s health and why they are important?
____ 4. Is mining for coal good or bad?
5. Make a list of 10 minerals and rocks that are used at
school- in school supplies, in the construction of the building, or
anything else. For each mineral tell where it is used and why.
1. Title of article:
Title of magazine, journal, or URL:
Date of article:
2. Title of article:
Title of magazine, journal, or URL:
Date of article:
Total Grade: _____ / 100 Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________