Earth Science Chapter 5 Layered Assignments

 Plate Tectonics

Alan Dewey
Wabasso High School 


1. The student will identify the interior layers of Earth's surface.

2. The student will define radiation, conduction, and convection.

3.  The student will explain the theories of continental drift and plate tectonics.

4. The student will explain how sea-floor spreading and mountain building are evidence of the movement of crustal plates.

LAYER C- BASIC UNDERSTANDING- Choose a total of 75 pts from the assignments below. 

* indicates a required assignment.  Must be present in class to earn points for notes.


 Day 1- Earth’s Interior (Section 5.1)

____ 1. *Perform discover activity in class (BK-5 pts).

____ 2.   Complete section 5.1 worksheets (VL-5 pts).

____ 3. Make a poster showing the layers of earth and their characteristics (VS-5 pts).

____ 4. Complete lab skills activity pg. 129 (LM-5 pts). 

____ 5. Make a model of the layers of the earth using clay.  Be prepared to describe the layers (BK-5 pts). 

 Day 2- Convection and the Mantle (Section 5.2)

____ 6.   *Perform discover activity in class (BK-5 pts).

____ 7.   Complete section 5.2 worksheets (VL-5 pts).

____ 8. Make a poster showing different modes if heat transfer (VS-5 pts).

____ 9. Make a table comparing the different modes of heat transfer (LM-5 pts). 

 Day 3- Drifting Continents (Section 5.3)

____ 10.   *Perform discover activity in class (BK-5 pts).

____ 11.   Complete section 5.3 worksheets (VL-5 pts).

____ 12. Make a poster showing the evidence for continental drift (VS-5 pts).

____ 13. Describe the process of continental drift by using clay (BK-5 pts). 

 Day 4- Sea-Floor Spreading (Section 5.4)

____ 14.   *Perform discover activity in class (BK-5 pts).

____ 15.   Complete section 5.4 worksheets (VL-5 pts).

____ 16. Make a poster showing the evidence for sea-floor spreading (VS-5 pts).

____ 17. Describe the process of sea-floor spreading continental drift by using clay (BK-5 pts). 

 Day 5- Sea-Floor Spreading Lab

____ 18. *Perform sea-floor spreading lab pg. 148-149 (BK-5 pts). 

 Day 6- Convection Currents Lab

____ 19. *Perform convection currents lab pg. 155 (BK-5 pts). 

 Day 7- The Theory of Plate Tectonics (Section 5.5)

____ 20.   *Perform discover and candy bar activities in class (BK-5 pts).

____ 21.   Complete section 5.5 worksheets (VL-5 pts).

____ 22. Make a poster showing where the continents will move in the future (VS-5 pts).

____ 23. Write a summary of the theory of plate tectonics (VL-5 pts).

____ 24. Make a model of the three different types of plate boundaries using clay (BK-5 pts). 

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       Days 8-9- Layer C Work Days

____ 25. Write a skit with 2-3 other people about the theory of plate tectonics (BK, IE-10 pts).

____ 26. Write a song or rap with 2-3 other people about the theory of plate tectonics (MU, IE-10 pts). 

____ 30. *Complete 5 ?’s review worksheet (VL-5 pts).

____ 31.   Listen to lecture and take notes each day (VL).  1    2    3    4    5

____ 32.   Make vocab flashcards or crossword for all relevant terms in the unit (VL-5 pts). 

____ 33. Complete review questions pgs. 157-158 #1-12, 14-16, 19, 23-25 (VL, IA-10 pts). 

Day 10- Layer B- Plate Tectonics Lab.

Day 11- Layer A work day.

Day 12- (if needed) All assignments due.



Choose one to answer.  The questions may require additional research.  You should list your sources below. 

1.  Title of article:

Title of magazine, journal, or URL:


Date of article:


2.  Title of article:

Title of magazine, journal, or URL:


Date of article:


Total Grade:  _____ / 100  Parent/Guardian Signature:  ______________________________