Earth Science Chapters 6-7 Layered Assignments

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Alan Dewey
Wabasso High School 


1.  The student will distinguish between the different types of faults.

2.  The student will understand how earthquakes can be predicted, measured, and how the epicenter of an earthquake can be located.

3.  The student will distinguish between the types of volcanoes, know the parts of a volcano, and identify volcanic landforms.

4.  The student will explain how earthquakes and volcanoes are evidence of the movement of crustal plates.

5.  The student will describe how features on the Earth’s surface are created and constantly changing through processes including volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

LAYER C- BASIC UNDERSTANDING- Choose a total of 115 pts from the assignments below. 

* indicates a required assignment.  Must be present in class to earn points for notes.


 Day 1- Forces in Earth’s Crust (Section 6.1)

____ 1. *Perform discover activity in class (BK-5 pts).

____ 2.   Complete section 6.1 worksheets (VL-5 pts).

____ 3. Make a poster showing the different types of faults (VS-5 pts).

____ 4. Demonstrate the types of faults with clay (BK-5 pts). 

 Day 2- Geopatterns Lab

____ 5. *Complete geopatterns lab (BK-10 pts). 

 Day 3- Earthquakes and Seismic Waves (Section 6.2)

____ 6.   *Perform discover activity in class (BK-5 pts).

____ 7.   Complete section 6.2 worksheets (VL-5 pts).

____ 8. Make a poster showing the different types of seismic waves (VS-5 pts).

____ 9. Make a table comparing the different types of earthquake scales (LM-5 pts).

____ 10. Make a poster of the Richter Scale, including numbers and meanings (LM, VS-5 pts). 

 Day 4- Finding the Epicenter Lab

____ 11. *Complete finding the epicenter lab (BK-10 pts). 

 Day 5- Monitoring Earthquakes and Earthquake Safety (Sections 6.3-6.4)

____ 12.   *Perform discover activity in class and shake it up lab (BK-5 pts).

____ 13. *Complete section 6.3 worksheet (LM, VL-5 pts). 

 Day 6- Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics (Section 7.1)

____ 14.   *Perform discover activity in class (LM-5 pts).

____ 15.   Complete section 7.1 worksheets (VL-5 pts).

____ 16. Make a poster showing the types of plate boundaries (VS-5 pts). 

 Day 7- Mapping Earthquakes and Volcanoes Lab

____ 17. *Complete mapping earthquakes and volcanoes lab (BK-5 pts). 

 Day 8- Properties of Magma (Section 7.2)

____ 18.   *Perform discover activity in class (BK-5 pts). 

 Day 9- Mt. St. Helen’s Video

____ 19. In your journal, write 5 things you learned from the video (VL-5 pts).

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 Day 10- Volcanic Eruptions (Section 7.3)

____ 20.   *Perform discover activity in class (BK-5 pts).

____ 21.   Complete section 7.3 review worksheet (VL-5 pts).

____ 22. Make a poster showing the parts of a volcano (VS-5 pts). 

 Day 11- Volcanic Landforms (Section 7.4)

____ 23.   Complete section 7-4 review worksheet (VL-5 pts).

____ 24. Make a poster showing the types of volcanoes or landforms (VS-5 pts).

____ 25. Make a model of the three different types volcanoes using clay (BK-5 pts). 

____ 26. Make a table comparing the three types of volcanoes (LM-5 pts). 

 Days 12-13- Layer C Work Days

____ 27. Write a skit with 2-3 other people about the types of faults or volcanoes (BK, IE-10 pts).

____ 28. Write a song or rap with 2-3 other people about the types of faults or volcanoes (MU, IE-10 pts). 

____ 31. *Complete 5 ?’s review worksheet (VL-10 pts).

____ 32.   Listen to lecture and take notes each day (VL).  1    2    3    4    5

____ 33.   Make vocab flashcards or crossword for all relevant terms in the unit (VL-10 pts).  

Days 14-15- Layer B- Earthquake Lab.

Day 16- Layer A work day.

Day 17- (if needed) All assignments due.



Write a three paragraph paper no longer than one page to answer one question below.  The questions may require additional research.  The first paragraph should be an introduction to your question.  The second paragraph should give facts and information about your question, such as pros and cons.  The third paragraph should give your opinion based on your research.  You should list your sources below. 

1.  Title of article:

Title of magazine, journal, or URL:


Date of article:


2.  Title of article:

Title of magazine, journal, or URL:


Date of article:


Total Grade:  _____ / 150  Parent/Guardian Signature:  ______________________________