Quarter Four/Week Three April 10-14

Layered Curriculum: Their Eyes Were Watching God: Zora Neale Hurston 
M. Aldrich
Florence High School
Florence, AZ



Section I "C" Layer 70-79 points

* Required – Read chapter 10-15  in the novel 

__________Vocabulary – Define and be able to spell five of this weeks vocabulary words: (scimitars, pretense, stealthily, temporized, denounce, jook, emanations, bunions, transients, flivvers, hypocrites, suppressed, droves, affront, homage, pinnacles, peevish, oblique, fanatical, insensate) (10 pts) 

__________ Summary - Complete a chapter summary sheet for chapters 10-15 (30 pts) 

__________Questions – Answer any of this weeks discussion questions (5 pts ea.)

      * See rubric for acceptable response format











__________ Write – You are Janie. Keep a dream diary for a week making sure to write the entry she might have included about the dream she has the night she meets Tea Cake. (5 pts) 

__________ Write – Write a flashback scene to an earlier time that didn’t appear in the novel, but might have – such as a scene showing Janie and her grandmother when Janie was little. (10 pts) 

__________ Describe – Describe Janie from the pints-of-view of five people who know her: Logan, Jody, Tea Cake, Pheoby, and Mrs. Turner. (10 pts) 

Section II "B" Layer 10 points * See rubric for acceptable response format for any of the following 

__________ Speech – You are Janie. Imagine that the townsfolk call for you, the mayor’s wife, to give a speech – and you do. Follow the speech format worksheet and present your speech to the class or videotape it. 

__________ Write – Rewrite a paragraph from chapter 10-15 exactly as it appears in the novel. Identify the chapter, page number, and paragraph. Underline ten words and replace each underlined word with two synonyms. Have a peer read both passages and write at least a paragraph commenting on your choice of synonyms – do they change the meaning? how? could there have been a better choice?  

__________ Poster – Design a poster advertisement for the novel to promote the reading of it. Make sure your poster includes: title, author, publisher and year, two quotations from the book and what they signify, some pictures of some of the characters, a catch phrase, a sentence explaining its theme, and a short review.  

__________ Mobile – Create a mobile of some characters from the novel. Each character must have a picture or drawing to show your interpretation of the character’s appearance. On the reverse side, include pertinent information about the character’s life, background, family, values, behavior, problems, friends, growth, or learning in the novel, and other items of interest. Hang your mobile from a coat hanger or other device that will allow it to be hung up. Attach each piece with string, ribbon, strips of material, leather, etc. 

__________ Culture Kit – Put together a culture kit. *See handout 

Section III "A" Layer 11 points * See rubric for acceptable response format for any of the following 

__________ Diorama – Create a shoebox diorama showing a memorable scene from the novel. 

__________ Poster – Create a poster using at least six relevant and recent newspapers and magazines that somehow tie in with the novel. (articles, ads, cartoons, etc.) For example – you might find an article about the Everglades, an essay about the African American experience, a Dear Abby letter about jealously, etc. For each event, write a sentence or two explaining the connection between the current piece and the novel.  

__________ Game – Create a board game, based on the novel, that includes character pieces, directions for game play, how to win, and an appropriately decorated playing surface. 

__________ The Dating Game – Reproduce a class version of The Dating Game using Logan, Jody, and Tea Cake as the three bachelors competing for a date with Janie. Questions and answers to reflect material in the text. 

__________ Screenplay – Choose your favorite scene, chapter, or episode from the novel and write a screenplay as if that scene were being used as a pilot to launch a new television series. Include stage directions, dialogue, and visual images. 

Discussion Questions – Week Three 

1. Why does Tea Cake show up at the store when every one else is at the ball game? Do you believe him? How much do you think he knows about Janie? 

2. What sort of first impression does Tea Cake make on Janie? What feelings does he arouse in her? What do you think it is about him that attracts her most? Do you think she trusts him? 

3. Why do you suppose Tea Cake waits a week before returning to the store after the first time? Why doesn’t Janie snub him, as she’d planned? What does he jokingly offer to buy her? Does this remind you of another incident in the book?

4. Why doesn’t Hezekiah like the idea of Janie’s seeing Tea Cake? Do you think his warning bothers Janie?


5. How can you tell that Tea Cake likes Janie's hair? How is his attitude different from what Jody’s was? What are some of the other ways Tea Cake makes Janie feel good about herself?

6. What doubts does Janie have about Tea Cake? How does he overcome her doubts? Why does she think he could be “a pear tree blossom in the spring?” (pg 101) What’s another way of expressing this idea? 

7. Do you think Tea Cake knows that he is tormenting Janie when he doesn’t appear for four days – then drives up in the battered car? Why doesn’t she tell him how she feels? Is she waiting for him to make all the moves?


8. Why is the town mad at Tea Cake? What do you suppose bothers people the most? Are they concerned with her well-being?


9. What do you think of the way Pheoby approaches Janie about Tea Cake? (pgs 107-108) Do you think Pheoby is being a good friend? Does Janie? What would you say if you were a friend of Janie’s? 

10. What would you like to ask Tea Cake? What do you think would be his answer?  

Speech Format Worksheet


1. Set your goal: Choose one or more of the following topics or add some of your own:


2. Make a plan: List the points to be covered in your introduction, body, and conclusion 

3. Write your first draft:


4. Turn in a final copy of your prepared speech and schedule a time to present it or turn in the videotape of your speech. 

Culture Kit


To learn about another person’s culture, you have to be aware of how that person behaves (what he or she does) and what that person believes.

All the people of the world have many things in common, including families, schools, governments, a form of religion, and celebration days. What makes up a person’s culture is what that person does and what that person believes about his or her family, school, government, religion, and celebration days. 

To create a culture kit, follow these steps: 

  1. Choose six items that you feel best represent the culture depicted in the novel you are currently reading.
  2. Place these items in a box, bag, or container of some sort that you have decorated to represent that culture.
  3. On a sheet of paper, list each item you have included and an explanation for why you have included it. Why do you feel it represents the culture depicted in the novel?
  4. Be prepared to give a short speech to your classmates about the items in your culture kit, responding to any questions they, or I, might have.