Amy Leskow
Olean, NY


Due Date_________    Colors: Primary and Secondary (grade 2) 

Day 1 (all students participate) 


Day 2: (C layer) 30 points  

      Directions: Pick one activity to complete.  Discuss what you learned with your teacher.  


Day 3, 4 and 5: (B layer) 50 points 

      Directions: Pick one activity to complete. Look at the rubric that matches the activity you pick. You may work with a friend.  

  1. Make your own color book that tells the story about primary colors and how secondary colors are made. Read it to two friends.
  1. Create a game that teaches about primary colors and how secondary colors are made. Be sure to include directions and everything needed to play.  Have two friends play.
  1. Write and perform a play that teachers about primary colors and how secondary colors are made.

Day 6: (A layer) 20 points  

      Directions: Pick one question to answer.  Make a neat paragraph with examples that support what you say.  

  1. How would world be different if we didn’t have red? Would this be good or bad?
  1. What’s the most important color?  Why?
  1. Explain how two colors are like feelings.  Tell why.