Making A Card Game : The Pearl: B2


Teacher Name: Ms. Leskow  



Student Name:     ________________________________________  

CATEGORY 25-30 19-24 14-18 0-13
Creativity The game is interesting and fun to play as shown by creative questions and game cards. Some thought went into making the game interesting and fun to play. Little thought went into making the game interesting and fun. No thought was put into making the game interesting or fun.
Accuracy of Content All information in the game is correct and present. Most information in the game is correct and present. Some information in the game is present. Little information in the game is correct/present.
Rules Rules were written clearly enough that all could easily participate. Rules were written, but one part of the game needed slightly more explanation. Rules were written, but people had some difficulty figuring out the game. The rules were not written.
Attractiveness Contrasting colors and at least 3 original graphics were used to give the game visual appeal. Contrasting colors and at least 1 original graphic were used to give game visual appeal. Contrasting colors and "borrowed" graphics were used to give the game visual appeal. Little or no color or fewer than 3 graphics were included.
Grammar/spelling/ capitalization There are virtually no grammar, spelling or punctuation errors in the game. There are few grammar, spelling or punctuation errors in the game. There are many grammar, spelling or punctuation errors in the game. Grammar, spelling or punctuation errors in the game severely limit comprehension.

Date Created: Sep 28, 2005 06:59 am (CDT)