Weather and Me

4th grade Layered Curriculum Unit covering:

Ohio GLI 1-1,1-2, 1-4--1-7

Amy Chamberlin

Athens, OH



There are three layers to this unit.  You will decide the activities you will complete for each layer. Your grade will depend on your level of completion.  There are 3 levels to the unit: Rookie, Minor leaguer, and Pro. As a rookie, the highest grade you can achieve is a C, as you progress through the levels, you can accumulate points to raise your total  unit grade to a B or A. All students must start and accomplish all of the tasks on the Rookie level before moving to Minor Leaguer and Minor Leagers must complete all tasks before moving to Pro. It all depends on the effort you are determined to put into this unit:)  

Rookie Level / C level: Must earn 30 points to advance to B level 


!_____/5  Read Ch. 6 Lesson 1 and complete a worksheet. 

_____/5  Read Ch. 6 Lesson 2 and complete a worksheet. 

_____/5  Read Ch. 6 Lesson 3 and complete a worksheet. 

_____/5  Read Ch. 6 Lesson 4 and complete a worksheet. 

!_____/10 “Read Water Cycle and Weather”, or “Water and Weather

                  on Earth” and answer the questions at the back of the book. Be     

              ready to discuss your answers.

!_____/5 Sit in a small group lesson over Lessons 1-2 and complete a

                worksheet as you listen.

_____/5 Sit in a small group lesson over Lesson 3 and complete a

               worksheet as you listen. 

_____/5  Make flash cards and use them to study weather vocabulary. Oral          assessment with Mrs. C when you are ready.

_____/5  Make a vocabulary octasheet. Oral assessment with Mrs. C when you are         ready. 

_____/5  Write an Acrostic Poem that tells 3 characteriscics of air. 

_____/5  Write a poem about air that tells the different forms of water in air          and  2 characteristics of air (it takes up space and moves all aroud us as         wind) 

_____/5  Make a poster with pictures of the four clouds: cumulus, cumulonimbus,         cirrus and stratus.  Each picture must have a caption telling what type         weather this cloud would produce.

_____/5  Make a pamphlet that lists the four types of clouds and the weather that        comes along with it.

Minor League level: B level Must earn 30 points to advance to A level


_____/15 Complete the activity “Does Air have Mass?” and report your results to

                Mrs.  Chamberlin and at least 3 others. 

_____/15 Make a Model Barometer and keep a record of the air pressure inside and

                outside your home for 5 consecutive days and present your design and 

          findings to Mrs. Chamberlin and at least 3 others.  (see Mrs. C for the

                plans for making the barometer) 

_____/15 Make a Power Point presentation showing the patterns of weather in the U.S.

             Include vocab, cloud types, and other important weather details.  Vocabulary

            words may account for no more than 5 slides.

_____/15 Read Ch.6/Lesson 3 in your science book. Broadcast a weather report to

Major League Level: A level: Must attempt 30 points for completion 

Consider the following questions and choose 1 to guide your research at the Pro or A level.   

  1. Do you believe that global warming is a real phenomenon?
  2. Could we build a colony on Mars and actually live there permanently?
  3. Should people build their homes in an area that has proven dangerous storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods) over and over?
  4. Should there be laws against people putting themselves in harms way by doing things like: climbing Mt. Everest or storm chasing?