Making A Comic Strip : The Crucible: B1
Teacher Name: Ms. Leskow
Student Name:     ________________________________________
CATEGORY 25-30 19-24 14-18 0-13
Creativity and Style The comic is interesting and fun to read. Style chosen works well.  The comic is fun to read. Style chosen works. Some creativity and style evident. Both creativity and style lack effort.
Accuracy of Content All information is correct and present. All directions are followed. Most information is correct and present. Most directions are followed. Some information is present. Some directions have been followed. Significant content missing.
Attractiveness and Effort Graphics and writing are neat and well-done. Effort is obvious. Most graphics and writing are neat and well-done. Some effort is clear. Graphics and/or writing lack neatness. Little effort shows. Sloppy with very little effort.
Grammar/spelling/ capitalization There are virtually no grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. There are few grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. There are many grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. Grammar, spelling or punctuation errors severely limit comprehension.
Date Created: Sep 28, 2005 06:59 am (CDT)