Spanish 3 - Exprésate 3
Brian D. Caughie
Central Bucks High School-West
LEVEL—Basic Learning &
_____Topic: Vocabulario 2-1 (text pgs. 50—55) (35 maximum points)________
A= 32 Points; B= 28 Points; C= 25 Points; D= 21 Points
Target completion
date: 3/1/11 (end of class)________________________
_____ Direct instruction—Power Point practice. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Lotería. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Listening—text pg. 52: act. 1. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete vocabulary list—packet pgs. 1, 2. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Create flashcards for Vocabulario 1-1 OR record words and email Sr. Caughie the audio file (see top
half of text pg. 87. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Draw a scene that incorporates at 15 vocabulary words. Label each word. Be neat and creative.
(5 pts.)________
_____ Team read—text pgs. 50—51; each student plays one of three roles: (1) reader, (1) recorder, (2) word
finder(s). (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete Feel like bowling? worksheet. (3 pts.)________
_____ Partner work--complete Pobre Javier dialogue worksheet. (3 pts.)________
_____ Partner work--text pg. 52: act. 2; complete & translate. (8 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 53: act. 3. (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 53: act. 4. (you do NOT have to write this out) (3 pts.)________
_____ Partner work—translate questions on text pg. 55: act. 6; read article on text pg. 54; answer questions
answer questions from act. 6 (5 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 55: act. 7. (you do NOT have to write this out) (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete workbook pgs. 13—14: acts. 1, 2, 4. (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete workbook pgs. 14—15: acts. 5, 6, 7. (5 pts.)________
_____ Partner work—complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 11. (3 pts.)________
B LEVEL—Application
Topic: Vocabulario 2-1 (text pgs. 50—55) (choose 1 for 20 points)________
A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points
DUE date: 3/2/11 (beginning of class)________________________
_____ Partner work—Create a dialogue in which you invite a friend to do four activities this weekend. Your
friend accepts the invitation to do two activities and rejects the invitation to do two activities. When
your friend turns down the invitation he/she should explain why and you should offer an alternative.
The whole dialogue should be at least 12 lines and must be recorded. (20 pts.)_________
_____ Choose an activity vocabulary word from 2-1. Make a flyer announcing the first meeting of the
school’s (name of activity) club. Illustrate the flyer and be neat and creative. Include at least 10
complete sentences. (20 pts.)_________
C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills
_____Topic: Gramática 2-1 (text pgs. 14—15; 56--61) (65 maximum points)________
A=59 Points; B=52 Points; C=46 Points; D=40 Points
Target completion
date: 3/9/11 (end of class)________________________
_____ Direct instruction—Power Point notes: Gramática 2-1. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Verb Formation Game—pretérito e imperfecto. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Direct instruction—Goldilocks podcast. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Los tres cerditios/The Three Little Pigs text. (Underline imperfecto verbs in blue;
pretérito verbs in red. (required) (5 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—excuses activity. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Direct instruction—was going to vs. did activity. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Direct instruction—whole class read using newsprint—text pg. 59: act. 14 (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Listening—text pg. 14: act. 10 (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Listening—text pg. 56: act. 9 (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Listening—text p.g 58: act. 13 (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Listening—text pg. 60: act. 17 (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Partner work—complete & translate text pg. 15: act. 11. (5 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 15: act. 12. (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete Imperfect Basics worksheet. (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 57: act. 10. (5 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 57: act. 11. (5 pts.)________
_____ Complete En el segundo grado—oral defense only. (3 pts.)________
_____ Partner work—text pg. 59: act. 15. (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 60: act. 18. (5 pts.)________
_____ Partner work—text pg. 61: act. 19. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete workbook pgs. 4: act. 11 & pg. 16. (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete workbook pg. 16--17: acts. 9, 10, 11 (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete workbook pg. 17--18. acts. 12 & 14 (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 2: act. 4. Your paragraph must contain at least 8 sentences.
(5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 12. (5 pts.)________
_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 13. (5 pts.)________
B LEVEL—Application
_____Topic: Gramática 2-1 (text pgs. 14—15; 56--61) (20 maximum points)________
A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points
DUE date: 3/11/10 (beginning of class)________________________
_____ Create a 15-sentence paragraph about you as a child. Include at least 8 expressions from Vocabulario
2-1. Include a picture of yourself as a child. (20 pts.)_________
_____ Find or take a picture that includes some type of action. Explain what HAPPENED in the picture.
Describe the scene in at least 10 sentences. Make sure to use
the pretérito
and imperfecto
(20 pts.)_________
LEVEL—Basic Learning &
_____Topic: Vocabulario 2-2 (text pgs. 64--69) (32 maximum points)________
A=29 Points; B=26 Points; C=23 Points; D=20 Points
Target completion
date: 3/15/11 (end of class)________________________
_____ Direct instruction—Power Point practice. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Lotería. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Listening—text pg. 66: act. 21. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Direct instruction—whole class read using newsprint: text pgs. 68—69: act. 26. (required)
(3 pts.)
_____ Complete vocabulary list—packet pgs. 3. 4. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Create flashcards for Vocabulario 2-2 OR record words and email Sr. Caughie the audio file (see
bottom half of text pg. 87. (required) (3 pts.)________
_____ Draw a scene that incorporates at 15 vocabulary words. Label each word. Be neat and creative.
(5 pts.)________
_____ Team read—text pgs. 65—66; each student chooses two sections of reading to translate & shares
translation with teammates. (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 66: act. 22. Take the survey and explain what your score means IN ENGLISH
(3 pts.)________
_____ Partner work--complete & translate text pg. 67: act. 23. HINT: The following vocabulary words should
be changed to their correct form: abierta, celosa, dejó plantada, vale la pena (5 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 67: act. 24. (5 pts.)________
_____ Complete text pg. 69: act. 27. (3 pts.)________
_____ Complete workbook pgs. 19—20: acts. 16, 17, 18. (3 pts.)
_____ Complete workbook pgs. 20—21: acts. 19, 20, 21 & translate act. 19. (5 pts.)
B LEVEL—Application
_____Topic: Vocabulario 2-2 (text pgs. 64--69) (20 points)________
A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points
DUE date:
3/16/11 (beginning of class)________________________
_____ Triad work—Un anuncio de los clasficados (see hand out)
C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills
_____Topic: Reading Activities (10 maximum points)________
A=9 Points; B=8 Points; C=7 Points; D=6 Points
Target completion
date: 3/17/11 (end of class)________________________
_____ Direct instruction—team read—text pgs. 36—37. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Choose & translate 2 Nota Culturales from the following pages: text pg. 52, 61, 74. (5 pts.)________
_____ Partner work—Famina famosa (handout) (8 pts.)________
_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 18. (5 pts.)________
A LEVEL—Analysis
(choose 1 for 40 points)________
A=36 Points; B=32 Points; C=28 Points; D=24 Points
DUE date: 3/21/11 (beginning of class)________________________
_____ HISTORY LINK—Los moros (the Moors) dominated cultural life in much of Spain from 711—1492. Create a poster explaining their influence and contributions to Spanish culture. Include at least 5 Spanish words on your poster that come from Arabic. Write at least 10 sentences in Spanish explaining your findings.
_____ ARCHITECTURE LINK—Choose a famous building in Spain. You may NOT include printed pictures of the building on your poster (you must draw it or represent it some other way). Write at least 12 sentences in Spanish describing your building.
Spanish 3 / Chapter 2 / Exprésate 3
Brian D. Caughie
Central Bucks HS-West Doylestown, PA