STUDENT_____________________________  Teacher Copy  /  Student Copy  (circle one)

Spanish 3 - Exprésate 3

Brian D. Caughie
Central Bucks High School-West


C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills  ___________________________________________________VERDE

_____Topic: Vocabulario 3-1 (text pgs. 98—103)  (43 maximum points)________

          A= 39 Points; B= 35 Points; C= 30 Points; D= 26 Points

          Target completion date: 3/31/11 (end of class)______________________________________________

_____ Direct instruction—Power Point practice. (required)  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Lotería. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 100: act. 1. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 101: act. 4.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 103: act. 7.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete vocabulary list—packet pgs. 1, 2. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Create flashcards for Vocabulario 3-1 OR record words and email Sr. Caughie the audio file (see top

             half of text pg. 135.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Draw a scene that incorporates at 15 vocabulary words.  Label each word.  Be neat and creative.

             (5 pts.)________

_____ Team read—text pgs. 98—99; each student plays one of three roles: (1) reader, (1) recorder, (2) word                

             finder(s).  (3 pts.)________

_____ Review the Entrevista sobre tu horario worksheet.  Follow the directions.  (5 pts.)

_____ Complete & translate text pg. 100: act. 2.  (5 pts.)__________

_____ Complete text pg. 100: act. 3.  (3 pts.)__________

_____ Complete text pg. 101: act. 5.  (3 pts.)__________

_____ Team read—Las chicas toman la iniciativa text pg. 102; each student plays one of four roles: (1)reader,

questions in act. 7 on pg. 103.  (8 pts.)__________

_____ Text pg. 103: act. 9—Choose one of the photos & translate the paragraph under it.  Afterwards, write a

             two-sentence response to the person in Spanish.  (8 pts.)________

_____ Complete workbook pgs. 25—26: acts. 2, 3, 4.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete workbook pgs. 26—27: acts. 5, 6, 7, 8.  (5 pts.)________

_____ Partner work—complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 21 & choose 1 section to translate.                                                                         

             (5 pts.)_________


B LEVEL—Application  _____________________________________________________________VERDE

_____Topic: Vocabulario 3-1 (text pgs. 98—103)  (choose 1 for 20 points)________

A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points

            DUE date: 4/4/11 (beginning of class)___________________________________________________

_____ Create a class schedule a fellow student.  Follow all directions on the Horario escolar handout. 

              (20 pts.)________

_____ Your best friend has the worst schedule ever!  Explain it in at least 10 sentences.  Submit your recorded

              description using Audacity or email an MP3 file.


C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills                                                                                                           AZUL

_____Topic: Gramática 3-1 (text pgs. 104--109)  (47 maximum points)________

          A= 43 Points; B= 38 Points; C= 33 Points; D= 28 Points

          Target completion date: 4/7/11 (end of class)_____________________________________________

_____ Direct instruction—Power Point notes: Gramática 3-1. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Verb Formation Game—subjuntivo.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 106: act. 15.  (required).  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Listening—text pg. 108: act. 18.  (required).  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Team sentence writing station activity: subjunctive with volition of will & emotions.  (required)

             (3 pts.)________


_____ Team sentence writing station activity: subjunctive with negation or denial. (required)  (3 pts.)_______                                        

_____ Partner work—translate text pg. 104: act. 10.  Note the answers to the activity: 1-a, 2- ø, 3- ø, 4-a, 5- ø,

             6-en, 7-de, 8-a.  (5 pts.)__________

_____ Look at the word bank in text pg. 105: act. 12.  Write 6 original sentences using the verbs in the word

             bank.  (5 pts.)__________

_____ Complete & translate text pg. 106: act. 14.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 107: act. 16.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Partner work--complete & translate text pg. 108: act. 19.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 109: act. 20.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Partner work—look at the newspaper clippings on text pg. 109: act. 21.  You and your partner should

             say whether you agree or disagree with each headline and explain why.  (8 pts.)________

_____ Complete Práctica extra para 3-1 worksheet.  (8 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 29—30: act. 13—15 & translate act. 14.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 22.  (3 pts.)_________


B LEVEL—Application _______________________________________________________________ AZUL

Topic: Gramatica 3-1 (text pgs. 104—109)  (choose 1 for 20 points)________

A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points

            DUE date: 4/8/11 (beginning of class)____________________________________________________

_____ You are organizing a protest una manifestación against poor conditions at your school.  Create a poster

              announcing the protest.  Include at least five expressions of will, wish, negation, and denial (see your

              notes).  Also include the date, time and location of the protest.  (20 pts.)________

_____ Choose a celebrity.  Talk about what is true and false about him/her.  Use at least 10 expressions of

             negation, denial, affirmation & agreement (see your notes.).  Create 10 sentences about this topic and

             record them using Audacity or email as MP3 file.  (20 pts.)_________


C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills  ____________________________________________________CAFÉ

_____Topic: Vocabulario 3-2 (text pgs. 112--117 )  (45 maximum points)________

          A= 41 Points; B= 36 Points; C= 32 Points; D= 27 Points

          Target completion date: 4/12/11 (end of class)__________________________________________

_____ Direct instruction—Power Point practice. (required)  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Memoria. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete vocabulary list—packet pgs. 3. 4. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 114: act. 23.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Create flashcards for Vocabulario 3-2 OR record words and email Sr. Caughie the audio file (see

             bottom half of text pg. 135.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Draw a scene that incorporates at 15 vocabulary words.  Label each word.  Be neat and creative.

             (5 pts.)________

_____ Triad read—En Puerto Rico  ¿Qué hacemos? text pgs. 112--113; each student plays one of three roles:

_____ Partner work—complete & translate text pg. 114: act. 24.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 115: act. 25.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 115: act. 26.  (8 pts.)________

_____ Partner read—La reconciliación text pgs. 116—117; translate dialogue and answer questions in act. 29.

             (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete text pg. 117: act. 30.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Las relaciones crossword puzzle.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 31—32: acts. 16, 17, 18, 20.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 32—33: acts. 21, 22, 23, 24.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 25.  (5 pts.)_________



B LEVEL—Application  _______________________________________________________________CAFÉ

_____Topic: Vocabulario 3-2 (text pgs. 112—117)   (choose 1 for 20 points)________

          A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points

          DUE date: 4/13/11 (beginning of class)____________________________________________________

_____ You have offended and hurt your best friend.  Create an apology card for him/her in which you (1)   

             explain how you hurt your friend and (2) apologize for what you did.  Your card should be highly

             decorative an must include at least 8 sentences.

_____ Partner work—Record a conversation between you and a friend in which you discuss conflict and try

             to resolve it.  Each person should speak at least 10 times.  Record this conversation using Audacity or

             email it as an MP3 file.


C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills  ____________________________________________ANARANJADO

_____Topic: Gramática 3-2 (text pgs. 118—123)  (50 maximum points)________

          A= 45 Points; B= 40 Points; C= 35 Points; D= 30Points

          Target completion date: 4/18/11 (end of class)______________________________________________

_____ Direct instruction—Power Point notes: Gramática 3-2.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Verb Formation Game—futuro.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 118: act. 32.  (required).  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete crystal ball activity.  (required)  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Verb Formation Game—condicional.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 122: act. 41.  (required).  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Whole class activity—text pg. 123: act. 42.  (required)  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Grammar Tutor 133/134 worksheet.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Translate text pg. 118: act. 33.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 119: act. 34.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 119: act. 35.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Las vacaciones worksheet.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete HOY HABLAREMOS DEL FUTURO . . . EN “EL FUTURO” worksheet.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Partner work—complete Dice Game worksheet.  (5 pts.)________

_____ Partner work—complete & translate text pg. 121: act. 38.  (5 pts.)________

_____ Complete text pg. 121: act. 39.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Explain what you WOULD DO as president in at least 5 sentences.  (oral defense only) 

             (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 123: act. 42.  Translate all four questions.  Oral defense only.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Partner work—text pg. 123: act. 43.  Translate all four questions.  Choose one to answer for oral

             defense.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 34—35: acts. 25, 26, 27.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 35—36: acts. 28, 29.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 26.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 27.  (5 pts.)________


A LEVEL—Analysis

(required for 40 points)________

 A=36 Points; B=32 Points; C=28 Points; D=24 Points

 DUE date: 4/27/11 (beginning of class)________________________________________________________

_____ El álbum de tu vida en el futuro project (see handout)


Spanish 3 / Chapter 3 / Exprésate 3

Brian D. Caughie

Central Bucks HS-West Doylestown, PA