STUDENT_____________________________  Teacher Copy  /  Student Copy  (circle one) 

Spanish 3 - Exprésate 3

Brian D. Caughie
Central Bucks High School-West



C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills                                                                                                        VERDE

_____Topic: Vocabulario 4-1 (text pgs. 140—145)  (47 maximum points)________

          A= 43 Points; B= 38 Points; C= 33 Points; D= 28 Points

          Target completion date: 4/28/11 (end of class)______________________________________________

_____ Direct instruction—Power Point practice. (required)  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Memoria. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 142: act. 1.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 145: act. 7.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Team sentence writing station activity: reacting to news.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete vocabulary list—packet pgs. 1, 2. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Create flashcards for Vocabulario 4-1 OR record words and email Sr. Caughie the audio file (see top

             half of text pg. 177.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Draw a scene that incorporates at 15 vocabulary words.  Label each word.  Be neat and creative.

             (5 pts.)________

_____ Team read—text pgs. 140—141; each student plays one of three roles: (1) reader, (1) recorder, (2) word                

             finder(s). The triad answers the following questions for each picture: (1) Who are the family members?  

             (2) What do we know about them? (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete text pg. 142: act. 2.  (3 pts.)__________

_____ Complete matchmaker worksheet.  (5 pts.)__________

_____ Partner work—Complete & translate text pg. 143: act. 3.  (5 pts.)__________

_____ Complete text pg. 143: act. 4.  (8 pts.)_________

_____ Team read—¡Tengo mucho que contarte! text pg. 144; each student plays one of four roles: (1) reader,

_____ Complete workbook pgs. 37—38: acts. 1, 2, 3, 5.  (5 pts.)________

_____ Complete workbook pgs. 38—39: acts. 6, 7, 8.  (5 pts.)________

_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 31.  (5 pts.)________


B LEVEL—Application                                                                                                                             VERDE

_____Topic: Vocabulario 4-1 (text pgs. 140—145)  (choose 1 for 20 points)________

      A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points

            DUE date: 4/29/11 (beginning of class)___________________________________________________

_____ Complete La familia real española webquest on my blog.  Copy and paste the webquest in to the

            Response box and answer all questions.  Response must be submitted on my blog PRIOR TO 11:00 AM

             on the due date.  THIS ASSIGNMENT IS WORTH 2 B-LEVEL ASSIGNMENTS FOR CHAPTER             



_____ Complete the following from Menudencias worksheet: (1) Underline or highlight all words on the page

             relating to family.  (2) Choose either sections #1 and #2 OR sections #4 and #5 of the reading to

             EXPLAIN IN YOUR WORDS on the blank lines on the bottom of the back page.  You CANNOT work

             with a partner and if you have the same explanation(s) as another student, it will be considered



C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills                                                                                                           AZUL

_____Topic: Gramática 4-1 (text pgs. 146—149)  (44 maximum points)________

          A= 40 Points; B= 35 Points; C= 31 Points; D= 26 Points

          Target completion date: 5/3/11 (end of class)_____________________________________________

_____ Direct instruction—Power Point notes: Gramática 4-1. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 146: act. 9.  (required).  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Listening—text pg. 148: act. 13.  (required).  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Students complete ALL present progressive verb forms in the verb folder.  (required)  (3 pts.)________                                                                             

_____ Students complete ALL present perfect verb forms in the verb folder.  (required)  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Write 10 sentences explaining what your family members ARE DOING.  (required)    (3 pts.)________                                                                                                  

_____ Write 10 sentences explaining what your family members HAVE DONE.  (required)                                                                                                        

             (3 pts.)________

_____ Partner work—dice game present perfect worksheet.  (reqired).  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Direct instruction—Present Progressive Power Point practice.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Team sentence writing station activity: present progressive vs. present perfect.  (required)                                                   

             (3 pts.)_________

_____ Partner work—Complete & translate text pg. 147: act. 10.  (5 pts.)________

_____ Complete text pg. 147: act. 11.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete El presente perfecto worksheet.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 149: act. 14.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 149: act. 15.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 40—41.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pg. 32.  (3 pts.)_________


B LEVEL—Application                                                                                                                                AZUL

Topic: Gramatica 4-1 (text pgs. 146—149)  (choose 1 for 20 points)________

      A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points

            DUE date: 5/4/11 (beginning of class)________________________________________

_____ Create a family tree.  See Un árbol de tu familia handout.  (20 pts.)________

_____ Create a small poster divided in two parts.  The first part should be a comic strip of what the main

             character HAS DONE.  Include at least 4 complete sentences in this section using the present     

             perfect.  The second part should be a comic strip of what the main character IS DOING.  Include at

             least 4 complete sentences in this section using the present progressive.  (20 pts.)_________


C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills                                                                                                           CAFÉ

_____Topic: Vocabulario 4-2 (text pgs. 154—159 )  (40 maximum points)________

          A= 36 Points; B= 32 Points; C= 28 Points; D= 24 Points

          Target completion date: 5/6/11 (end of class)__________________________________________

_____ Direct instruction—Power Point practice. (required)  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Lotería. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Head to head vocabulary competition.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Whole class read--¿Qué tal quedó la cena?—text pg. 158.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete vocabulary list—packet pgs. 3. 4. (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 156: act. 21.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Listening—text pg. 159: act. 27.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Create flashcards for Vocabulario 4-2 OR record words and email Sr. Caughie the audio file (see

             bottom half of text pg. 177.  (3 pts.)________

_____ On a paper plate draw a meal that include at 8 vocabulary words.  Label each word.  During the oral

              defense, you will explain your meal and react to the different foods.  (5 pts.)________

_____ Partner read—read & translate En Santo Domingo La comida casera text pgs. 154—155. 

             (3 pts.)_________


_____ Complete text pg. 156: act. 22.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 157: act. 23.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete foods crossword puzzle.  (5 pts.)__________

_____ Partner work—text pg. 157: act. 24.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Read & translate the Nota Culturales on text pgs. 157, 161, 165.  Underline the vocabulary words

             from 4-2.  (8 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 43—44: acts. 15, 16,  17, 18.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 44—45: acts. 19, 20, 22.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Cuaderno de actividades pgs. 35—36: acts. 10 & 12 .  (3 pts.)_________


B LEVEL—Application  _______________________________________________________________CAFÉ

_____Topic: Vocabulario 4-2 (text pgs. 154—159)   (choose 1 for 20 points)________

          A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points

          DUE date: 5/9/11 (beginning of class)________________________________________

_____ Create an advertisement for a restaurant by responding to the Un anunico para un restaurante on my

             blog.  Response must be submitted on my blog PRIOR TO 11:00AM on the due date.  (20 pts.)_______

_____ Create a menu for a restaurant.  Include at least 5 appetizers, 5 drinks, 8 main dishes, and 5 desserts. 

             Each main dish must include a 1-sentence description.  Prices should be in the currency of a Spansh-

             speaking country (ex. euros, pesos, etc.)  (20 pts.)_________


C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills         ____ANARANJADO

_____Topic: Gramática 4-2 (text pgs. 118—123)  (25 maximum points)________

          A= 23 Points; B= 20 Points; C= 18 Points; D= 15 Points

          Target completion date: 5/11/11 (end of class)__________________________________________

_____ Direct instruction—Power Point notes: Gramática 4-2.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Verb Formation Game—pretérito.  (required)  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete & translate text pg. 160: act. 29.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 161: act. 30.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Partner work--complete text pg. 161: act. 31.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete & translate text pg. 162: act. 33.  (5 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 163: act. 35.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 164: act. 38.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete text pg. 165: act. 39.  (3 pts.)_________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 46—47: acts. 23, 24, 25.  (3 pts.)________

_____ Complete Workbook pgs. 48: acts. 27, 28.  (3 pts.)________


A LEVEL—Analysis

(choose 1 for 40 points)________

  A=36 Points; B=32 Points; C=28 Points; D=24 Points

  DUE date: 5/18/11 (beginning of class)_______________________________________________________

_____ MUSIC LINK—Choose a popular Spanish-speaking musician.  Create a Power Point in which you explain what things the musician HAS DONE in his/her life.  You must have a minimum of 15 slides.  Make sure you include basic information about the type of music your musician performs.

_____ FOODS LINK—You and your girlfriend/boyfriend are at dinner at a restaurant in a Spanish-speaking country.  Write a 12-line conversation between you and your girlfriend/boyfriend about the food and the restaurant.  Make sure your conversation is based on a REAL restaurant in a Spanish-speaking country.  Under your conversation include the website address to the restaurant and a list of what you and your girlfriend/boyfriend ordered.  Include the total cost of the meal in US dollars and the currency of the country you’re in. 

Spanish 3 / Chapter 4 / Exprésate 3

Brian D. Caughie

Central Bucks HS-West Doylestown, PA