UNIT 5—La Argentina y la historia del Siglo XX UNIT SHEET
Spanish 5
Brian D. Caughie
Central Bucks High School-West
C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills
_____PART 1 (45 maximum points)________
A=41 Points; B=36 Points; C=32 Points; D=27 Points
Target completion
date: 12/20/10 (end of class)________________________
_____ Direct instruction—Lotería. (required) (3 pts.)_________
Choose 8 vocabulary words from Vocabulario 5-1 and write original
definitions in Spanish.
(3 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—Vocabulario 5-1 Power Point practice. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—Evita film & viewing guide. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—La historia oficial film & viewing guide. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—La concordancia de tiempos notes. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—Subjuntivo sentence formation game. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 319—320. (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 321—323: A, B, D. (3 pts.) _________
_____ Complete & translate En Marcha pgs. 323—324: E. (8 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 324—325: F, A, B. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 355—356: C, E, F. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pg. 342: B (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 346—347: A—C. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 440—441: A. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 441—443: B. (5 pts.)_________
B LEVEL—Application
_____PART 1 (20 maximum points)________
A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points
DUE date: 12/20/10 (beginning of class)________________________
_____ Complete La guerra sucia webquest in preparation for viewing La historia oficial. The can be accessed through the Unit 5 folder on my website.
C LEVEL—Basic Learning & Skills
_____PART 2 (55 maximum points)________
A=50 Points; B=45 Points; C=39 Points; D=33 Points
Target completion
date: 1/6/11 (end of class)________________________
_____ Direct instruction—Lotería (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—Vocabulary Power Point practice. (required) (3 pts.)_________
Choose 8 vocabulary words from Vocabulario 5-2 and write original
definitions in Spanish.
(3 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—La historia oficial film & viewing guide. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—Subjuntivo sentence formation game Part 2. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Direct instruction—Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos translation. (required) (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete & translate SAT II pgs. 14—15. (required) (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pg. 330: B. (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 334--335: A, C. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pg. 338: D (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pg. 340: A, B (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pg. 342: B (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 343--344: A—C (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pgs. 350—352: A, B. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pg. 352: C. (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pg. 354: A, B. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pg. 354: A, B. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete En Marcha pg. 357: G, H. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete & translate En Marcha pgs. 437, 438. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete Al Prom worksheet. (3 pts.)_________
_____ Complete Todos los tiempos worksheet. (5 pts.)_________
_____ Complete & translate Ventanas pg. 72. (5 pts.)__________
B LEVEL—Application
______PARTE 2 (20 points maximum)________
A=18 Points; B=16 Points; C=14 Points; D=12 Points
DUE date: 1/5/11 (beginning of class): ______________________________
Create a movie poster for La historia oficial. Before you start, view a few examples
from Argentine movie theaters at http://www.cinesargentinos.
Spanish 5
Brian D. Caughie
Central Bucks HS-West
Doylestown, PA