Early African Civilizations

Catherine Phelps, Ameila Morgan, and Mathew Hennard
Brockport High School

Brockport, NY

 Name__________________ Total points_______  

For this unit, you will be able to choose activities from 3 levels of learning.

When you complete 70 points worth of activities (you can earn up to 75pts) from the C- level you must complete one activity from the B level and one activity from the A- level. You must complete in order (C, B, A). The activities with an * are required. Then, you have the opportunity to earn 100 points for the unit. (After earning 100 points you have the opportunity to earn additional points by doing the other activities). 

Complete required activities. Then choose one activity from layer B and one from layer A. When you complete an activity show it to the teacher for points- You may be quizzed on the information before points are awarded.  

C- Layer: do the required *activities then choose from the rest to add up to 70 points (you can earn up to 75 pts)—Points Earned _______

You may use Chapter 12 p 282-303

Part C must be finished by 4/16/2010

*1.)  -Fill in the topographical map of Africa. Be sure to include Sahara Desert, Atlas Mountains, Savannah areas, Rain Forrest, Namib Desert, Kalahari Desert, Lake Victoria, Drakensberg Mountains, Congo River, Nile River, Niger River, Senegal River, Orange River, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Madagascar, and Indian Ocean. Use page 285 in your text book.

-Then fill in the blank Ancient Civilizations map of Africa-   Axum, Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Hausa, Kongo, Mali, Nubia (Kush), Songhai, and Zimbabwe. Identify the geographic area and its impact on that society ________ 10 pts

*2.) On a separate sheet of paper, use the Frayer model shown below to define the following terms: savanna, desertification, slash and burn agriculture, nuclear family, patrilineal, matrilineal, lineage, and griot. ______________10 points

Term/ Definition Characteristics:
Picture/ Cartoon Synonym, Antonym, and Use in a Sentence

*3.) Fill in the Culture Patterns of Ancient African Civilizations: Use your own paper _____10 pts

Civilization Products Technology region Social Units religion government decline
Kush ( Nubia)              

*4) Africa experienced cultural diffusion from Rome, Greece, Asians and Arabs. These areas also experienced cultural diffusion from Africa. Write the name of the area that the contributions originated from: __________5pts

1.______________________built aqueducts, dams, and roads

2.______________________Traded with Egypt adopted Ptolemy’s ideas on the sun/ earth relationship

3._______ ______________Introduced Camels

4._____________________ Spread Islam

5.____________________    Ruled Egypt

6.____________________ gold, ivory 

*5) Notes on early African civilizations of Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Zimbabwe, and the Bantu migration. _________ 5pts

* 6) Using the reciprocal teaching method, students will identify the characteristics of a Golden Age and apply it to the West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. _______10pts

 *7) On a map, show the Bantu Migration (use the map on p 286) and explain its importance to Africa _________ 5 pts

Choose fifteen points from the optional worksheets below to attain your total of 70 points:

8) Religion in Africa Worksheet ______5 pts

9) Importing /exporting and African Trading Cities worksheets _____5pts

10) Exercises 59 and 64________5pts

11)  Identifying main idea and trade routes of East Africa worksheets_____5pts

12) Many peoples, Many Traditions and Exercise Worksheets 58____5pts

13) Kingdoms of West Africa Worksheets ________5 pts 

B-Layer- Choose one activity for 15 points— Points Earned _________

Part B is due 4/29/2010

  1. Analyze the short and long term effects of Mansa Musa’s Hajj . Make your own graphic organizer or map illustrating these effects. Be sure to include political, social and economic impacts.
  1. You are a merchant from Arabia traveling the Trans Sahara trade route. Write a journal of your trip and create a map of your route. Include: what you must do prepare for your journey, goods you are carrying and what you expect to trade, what you encounter on your journey, and compare your culture to the cultures you find on your trip. Be sure to make illustrations in your journal as you go along. (You may work with a partner)
  1. You are a Bantu and you find yourself migrating throughout Africa:  areas of West Africa (Mali), East Africa (Axum), central Africa (Kongo), and South Africa (Zimbabwe).  Create a small picture book for your children comparing and contrasting these areas showing how you would have to adapt to these areas?  (You may work in a group of 4 or less)
  1. Early African Civilizations spread their traditions through art, song, and dance. Create a drawing, mask, or song that would describe the history or culture of any of the civilizations, such as Ghana, Mali, Songhai, or Zimbabwe, in Chapter 12 of your text book.
  1. Primary source:  The following excerpt was written by Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveler, it describes the city of Takadda in West Africa.
  1. Judge the effect of Christianity on Northern/Eastern Africa and Islam on Western Africa. Be sure to include, political, social, and economic effects. (You can work with a partner)
  1. Evaluate the positive and negative effects of the Bantu migration. Include:  agricultural skills (slash and burn farming), assimilation, languages, and technology. (You can work with a partner)
  1. Many people thought that the Africans were less intelligent than other civilizations because they had a history of passing down traditions and stories orally. Read World Literature entitled “Sundiata” p 302-303 in your text. Then read the hand out excerpt from “The Odyssey”. After reading both selections, compare them and consider the following questions:  How did they show the culture of their home lands? Why are both stories important for passing down through the generations? Was the African story less compelling because it was passed down orally by a griot? Why or why not?