Cells and Heredity
Middle School - Greenwood, South Carolina
Grade Science - Mr. Dan Hodge
Expected Unit Outcome:
The student will
demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of cells,
cellular respiration, and heredity. (SC Science Academic Standard
Expected Student
(from SC Science Academic Standards):
- The student will be able to
summarize the structures and functions of the major components of plant
and animal cells (including the cell wall, the cell membrane, the
nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and vacuoles).
- The student will be able to
compare the major components of plant and animal cells.
- The student will be able to
compare the body shapes of bacteria (spiral, coccus, and bacillus) and
the body structures that protists (euglena, paramecium, and amoeba) use
for food gathering and locomotion.
- The student will be able to
explain how cellular processes (including respiration, photosynthesis
in plants, mitosis, and waste elimination) are essential to the
survival of the organism.
- The student will be able to
summarize how genetic information is passed from parent to offspring by
using the terms genes, chromosomes, inherited traits, genotype,
phenotype, dominant traits, and recessive traits.
- The student will be able to use
Punnet squares to predict inherited monohybrid traits.
- The student will be able to
distinguish between inherited traits and those acquired from
environmental factors.
Layered Curriculum®
- I expect students to be working on
this unit at all times while in the classroom. Not
working will result in a lower grade. Other misbehavior will be
handled with the goal of returning the student to his work as soon as
- Any question and answer work from the
textbook or PACT Coach Book should be written out in full. No
credit will be given for partial work.
- Use the checklist to keep track of
your work. Cornell Notes (CN) should be given to Mr. Hodge as
soon as you complete the three sections.
- MAKE UP WORK: All work is
printed and put into folders in the red folder organizer by the
door. If you are absent, you may pick up any worksheets you need
from the organizer.
- There are two deadlines for work to
be turned in. The first is the report card deadline, Wednesday,
January 9th, 2008. The second is the completion of the
unit, Tuesday, February 5, 2008. No more work will be accepted on
this unit after these dates.
- DO NOT FALL BEHIND! It becomes
very hard to catch up. See Mr. Hodge if you need assistance.
Grading Scale
A 444 – 413 points
B 412 – 377 points
C 376 – 346 points
D 345 – 310 points
F under 310 points
We have read and
understand the requirements for this unit.
We agree to work toward a
grade of _________ points.
Date Student
General Instructions:
- Items that are starred (µ) are
- All reading activities (from textbook
and PACT Coach) will require an oral defense. You will be awarded
your points only after you answer questions from Mr. Hodge about what
you have learned. You may work with partners, but you must be
able to answer the teacher’s questions without any help.
- You must complete one layer before
moving to another. No more than 3 assignments may be signed
off by Mr. Hodge on any one day, in any layer. Each assignment
has a point value based on the amount of time and effort necessary to
complete that task. You must earn the required number of points
in one layer before moving to the next.
- Students are expected to work on
every layer.
- At the end of the unit, assemble all
your work in a folder, and be prepared for your oral defense of
learning. Mr. Hodge will interview you on your learning, and you
will need to be prepared to give a brief report of what you have
- There will be a review and test at
the end of the unit.
C Layer – Know
and Comprehend (160 points)
points are needed to move to B Layer. This layer must be
completed before beginning the B Layer.
- µCN on Structure and Function of Plant and Animal Cells (5
- µQuiz on Structure and Function of Plant and Animal Cells (5
- µCN on Major Components of Plant and Animal Cells (5 points)
- µQuiz on Major Components of Plant and Animal Cells (5 points)
- µCN on Bacteria (5 points)
- µQuiz on Bacteria (5 points)
- µCN on Cellular Processes (5 points)
- µQuiz on Cellular Processes (5 points)
- µCN on Genes and Chromosomes (5 points)
- µQuiz on Genes and Chromosomes (5 points)
- µCN on Dominant and Recessive Traits (5 points)
- µQuiz on Dominant and Recessive Traits (5 points)
- µCN on Inherited and Acquired Traits (5 points)
- µQuiz on Inherited and Acquired Traits (5 points)
- µCN on Punnett Squares (5 points)
- µQuiz on Punnett Squares (5 points)
- Make a set of Vocabulary Cards for
the unit (PACT Coach, pp. 66, 70, 74, 78, 82, 86, and 90) (10 points)
- Make a color drawing of a both a
Plant and Animal Cell. Draw and label the following parts: Cell
Wall, Cell Wall, Cytoplasm, Nucleus, Vacuole, Chloroplasts, and
Mitochondria. (15 points)
- Read and take CN on
McDougall-Littell Science, pp. 9-15, 18-24, and 26-31. (10
- Read McDougall-Littell Science,
pp. 9-31, Answer questions in the Chapter 1 Review, pp. 34-35. (10
- View the video, “Introducing the
Cell”. Use the Cloze Activity to take notes. Complete the
quiz. (10 points)
- Go to http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model.htm
. View both the Plant and Animal Cell. Using a sheet of white
paper, sketch each cell and label the parts. (10 points)
- View the video, “World of
Protozoa.” Using the sheet provided, label the parts of the
bacteria cells. (10 points)
C Layer Completed on
Points: Teacher’s Signature
B Layer – Apply and Analyze (220 points)
150 points needed to move to A Layer. This
layer must be completed before beginning the A Layer.
A Layer – Create and Evaluate (120 points)
90 points are necessary to complete the A Layer
of the Cells and Genetics Unit.
- Perform the Chapter Investigation
on pp. 16-17 in your textbook. Make sure to follow the procedures
and answer questions in the sections “Observe and Analyze” and
“Conclude.” (30 points)
- Complete the “Incredible Edible
Cell” Project. (30 points)
- Complete the “Onion Cell” Lab. (30
- Complete the “Comparing Plant and
Animal Cells” Lab. (30 points)
A Layer Completed on
Points: Teacher’s Signature
one of the following:
- “Perfect Mate” Activity. (40 points)
- “Gene Scene” Activity. (40 points)