Genes and Heredity Unit
Brandi Thompson, Ascension
Parish, Louisiana
Grading Scale 0-39 F 40-55 D 56-70 C 71-85 B
86 + A
C Level Assignments: Maximum 65 Pts.
1.**Listen and take notes on Genetics (10 pts.) _____
2. **Listen and take notes on Genetics since Mendel (10 Pts.) _____
3. **Listen and take notes on Advances in Genetics (5 Pts.) _____
4. Make Flashcards for the vocabulary in the unit (10 pts.) _____
5. Make a crossword puzzle using at least 10 vocabulary words (10 pts.) _____
6. Find a newspaper article related to the topic and give short summary to the class (10 pts.) _____
7. Create a board game on the unit topic and have 2 classmates play the game (10 pts.) _____
8. Make up a 10 question quiz with answers on the unit topic (5 pts.) ______
9. Conduct the Coin Toss experiment (5 pts.) _____
10. Conduct the Brown Rabbit Experiment (10 pts.) _____
11. Conduct the Genetic Traits Lab Experiment (10 pts.) ______
12. Translate the unit sheet into another language. (10 pts.) ______
** Required Assignments**
B Level Labs: 15 Pts. Choose one of the following labs
1. Design and conduct an experiment to "Test for Color Blindness"
2. Bug Builders, Inc.
3. Dimples and DNA
4. Tracing Traits
A Level Assignment: 20 Pts.. Choose only one. Use an "A level sheet"
1. Cloning, Good or Bad?
2. The Human Genome Project, Good or Bad?
___________________________ _________________________
Parent Signature Student Signature
( Both Signatures 4 Bonus Pts.)