Layered Curriculum – Nathaniel
Hawthorne “The Minister’s Black Veil”
C Layer – Choose any number of tasks to earn up to 70 points. You must choose one of the “Read story” options and one of the Vocabulary options.
The assignments must be
completed by Wednesday, November 8,2006.
Date Teach. Initials
_____ _____ Read story and summarize orally. (10 points)
_____ _____ Read story and answer the questions at the end of the story orally.
(10 points)
_____ _____ Read story and take publisher-made quiz orally. (10 points)
_____ _____ Read story and write a newspaper article which gives the Who,
What, When, Why, Where, and How, with the accompanying
background information. Be able to orally defend your article.
(10 points)
_____ Using the vocabulary on the chalkboard, make flashcards.
_____ _____ Using the vocabulary on the chalkboard, write a short story which
incorporates ¾ of the words. Be able to orally defend your choices.
(10 points)
_____ _____ Using the vocabulary on the chalkboard, write an original sentence
for each. Be able to orally defend your word choices. (10 points)
_____ _____ Using the vocabulary on the board, make a collage which relates to
the story. (10 points)
_____ _____ With a partner, design and display a bulletin board showing the
reaction of the congregation to the minister’s veil. (20 points)
_____ _____ On poster board, make a full-color poster showing how the
selection fits into the Romantic Period. (20 points)
_____ _____ Construct a diorama for any scene in the story. (20 points)
_____ _____ Write a song (music and lyrics) about the story. Perform it for me
and three classmates. (20 points)
_____ _____ Create and illustrate, with proper labeling, a timeline of this story.
(20 points)
B Level – Choose any two tasks
to earn an additional 20 points for a total maximum
These assignments must be
completed by Monday, November 13,2006.
_____ _____ In what other ways do people today seek to “veil their secret sins?”
Answer this question in a grammatically correct composition
which is at least one page in length. Be sure to use a word
processor and spell-check. (10 points)
_____ _____ Illustrate the Romantic characteristics of the story through a 3-D
bulletin board display. (10 points)
_____ _____ Make up a song which incorporates at least ¾ of the vocabulary
list. The song does not have to relate to the story should be
entertaining and school-appropriate. (10 points)
_____ _____ Write and be prepared to perform a skit that incorporates at least
¾ of the vocabulary
words. Your skit does not have to be based on the events in the novel,
but should be entertaining and school- appropriate. Your skit group
should have at least 3 and no more than 5 members, and each member of
the group must have a minimum of 5 lines (not counting “hello” and
A Level – Choose one of these tasks to earn up to an additional 10 points for a total maximum of 100 points.
This assignment must be
completed and turned in by Wednesday, November 15, 2006.
_____ _____ Is there ever a good reason for hiding one’s self away from others,
by wearing a veil or any other method? Answer this question in a
grammatically correct composition which is at least one page in
length. Be sure to use a word processor and spell-check.
_____ _____ Many celebrities and famous personalities have hidden away a
secret sin or vice to advance in their professions. In a well-
written, grammatically correct essay, discuss the success or failure
of one celebrity’s efforts to keep their secret a secret. Be sure to
use a word processor and spell-check.