Preparing to learn fractions
Ginny Barker
6th grade math
Knob Noster Middle School
2 week unit—200 points
C—you must complete 3 activities in each objective—30 points each for a
maximum of 150 points.
Objective 1
___ 1. Make 20 flash cards with equivalent fractions. Be prepared to defend 5 cards to me.
___ 2. Louie Lewis Fractional Private Eye
___ 3. Make a video lesson of how to find equivalent fractions. Be sure to include both increasing the fraction and reducing the fraction.
___ 4. Using the fraction towers demonstrate how to find equivalent fractions.
___ 5. Create a matching game with at least 15 pairs of equivalent fractions.
6. Listen to the lecture and take notes.
Objective 2
___ 1. Using numbers out of a magazine or newspaper recreate the prime number hundreds chart like the one we made in class.
___ 2. Memorize the prime factors from 1 to 100, be able to orally tell me them. Make sure you also know the definition prime and composite numbers.
___ 3. Make a game using prime and composite numbers.
___ 4. Using the same activity that we did in class, identify all the prime numbers from 100 to 200. Do you see a pattern? Be able to explain the pattern to me.
___ 5. Interview 3-4 adults on the difference between prime and composite numbers. Then ask them to identify the prime numbers from 1-100. Graph your information on a bar graph. Make sure you include the questions you asked as well as their responses.
6. Listen to the lecture and take notes.
Objective 3
___ 1. Complete the Prime Factor Trees worksheet
___ 2. Make a poster of the two ways to find prime factorization. (factor trees and factor stairs)
___ 3. Play the animation game found at (Chapter 5—Creating a Factor Tree) Have your parent sign here saying they watched you play the game.______________________
___ 4. Create a worksheet for someone else to complete. Make sure you have at least 15 problems and provide an answer key.
___ 5. Make a foldable on the two ways to find prime factorization. (factor trees and factor stairs)
6. Listen to the lecture and take notes.
Objective 4/5
1. Find a website that helps you practice LCM and
GCF. List the website here ______________________________
Have your parent sign saying you practiced the concept. ______________________
2. Play the animation game found at (Chapter
5—Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple) Have your parents
sign saying they watched you play the game.
___ 3. Complete the extended FM radio worksheet.
___ 4. Learn the Factor/Multiple Song and perform it for the class.
___ 5. Make your own Factor/Multiple rap and perform it for the class.
6. Listen to the lecture and take notes.
Objective 6
___ 1. Do the Mixed Numbers 2 Fractions 2 Long Division worksheet
___ 2. Make a power point presentation about how to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers.
___ 3. Make an “I have, who has” game with at least 20 mixed numbers/improper fractions.
___ 4. Make a bulletin board display of the correct way to convert mixed numbers and improper fractions.
___ 5. Look in a newspaper and find 15 mixed numbers, display what you found for the class. Be able to tell me what each fraction would be as an improper fraction.
6. Listen to the lecture and take notes.
B layer—choose one—20 points
___ 1. Choose at least 3 objectives and interview 1 or 2 business owners on how they use that concept in their business. Type up your interview and present it to the class.
___ 2. Research on the internet how each of the 6 objectives are used in jobs today. Make a graph or table displaying the information you gathered.
3. Make a review(can be clicker, or jeopardy) game and play
it with the class.
A Layer—choose one—30 points
___ 1. Take a test over all 6 objectives and score an 80% or better.
___ 2. Write an essay about the importance of each objective. Include real world examples for each objective.
3. Research at least 2 other countries and compare their
educational ideas on these concepts to those that you have learned.
Due Dates: Subject to change if I see that more time is needed.
the C layer each objective activity is due by the Friday after the
objective is taught. Thursdays and Fridays will be in class
work days. Mondays through Wednesdays will be
lecture/practice days.
B/A layer activities will not be started until all of the previous
layer activities are completed. The test day for the A layer
will be announced a week before the test.
Extra Credit opportunities:
the C layer if you choose to do an extra activity you can earn 10
points in each objective for a maximum of 30 extra credit points in the
140-159 points ____ B 160-179 points ___ A
180-200 points _____
Signature ______________________________
Signature ______________________________