Physical Science

Unit: Matter

Grant Stock
High School Principal
Crane, MO

Instructional Goals: 

1 Distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous materials.  

2 Differentiate between elements, compounds, and mixtures.

       (Strand 1 Concept A, c)

3 Differentiate between physical and chemical changes.

       (Strand 1 Concept G, a)

4 Be able to list evidences that a chemical reaction has occurred.

      (Strand 1 Concept G, a)

      (Strand 1 Concept A, a)

6 Distinguish between solvent and solute in a solution.  

7 Recognize examples of extensive and intensive properties

      (Strand 1 Concept G, a) 

    Assignment C Layer Points Signature
    Assignment B Layer    
    Assignment A Layer    

                                                Total points   _____ 

Student Signature________________________________  Date_________  

Parent Signature________________________________  Date_________ (5 points)

C Layer Assignments

      Objective 1: Distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous materials

      Goal 2: Differentiate between elements, compounds, and mixtures

      Goal 3: Differentiate between physical and chemical changes

      Goal 4: Be able to list evidences that a chemical reaction has occurred.

      Goal 5: Explain the uses of physical and chemical changes to separate mixtures and compounds

      Goal 6: Distinguish between solvent and solute in a solution.

      Goal 7: Recognize examples of extensive and intensive properties

Chapter Work


B Layer Assignments

A Layer Assignments

100 - 90 89 - 80 79 - 70 69 - 60 59 - 0