Physical Science

Unit: Units and Conversions

Grant Stock
High School Principal
Crane, MO

Goal 1:

      Be able to identify the different SI Units what we use them to  measure and if they are a derived or fundament unit.

Goal 2:

      Be able to use metric prefixes and be able to convert back  and forth among them.

Goal 3:

       Use conversion ratios to convert from one unit to the other.

Goal 4:

      Learn to use significant figures when doing calculations.

Goal 5:

      Be able to do calculations using scientific notation and  understand the distances associated with them.

Goal 6:

      Be able to convert units of temperature. 

    Assignment C Layer Points Signature
    Assignment B Layer    
    Assignment A Layer    

                                                Total points   _____ 

Student Signature________________________________  Date_________  

Parent Signature________________________________  Date_________ (5 points) 

C Layer Assignments

      Objective 1: Be able to identify the different SI Units what we use them to measure and if they are a

      derived or fundament unit.


      Goal 2: Be able to use metric prefixes and be able to convert back and forth among them.

      Goal 3: Use conversion ratios to convert from one unit to the other.

      Goal 4: Learn to use significant figures when doing calculations.

      Goal 5: Be able to do calculations using scientific notation and  understand the distances associated with    them.

B Layer Assignments


A Layer Assignments

100 - 90 89 - 80 79 - 70 69 - 60 59 - 0