Physical Science

Unit: Policies and Procedures

Grant Stock
High School Principal
Crane, MO

Goal 1:

      Understand what is expected of students in  this physical science class.

Goal 2:

      Know safety rules for lab.

Goal 3:

        Know the different equipment that will be  used in lab.

Goal 4:

      Learn how to write up a lab. 

    Assignment C Layer Points Signature
    Assignment B Layer    
    Assignment A Layer    

                                                Total points   _____ 

Student Signature________________________________  Date_________  

Parent Signature________________________________  Date_________ (5 points)

C Layer Assignments

Goal 1: Understand what is expected of students in this physical science class.

  1. Turn in syllabus signed from parents or guardians. (10 points)
  2. Do a drawing of each major point in the syllabus that would help you remember what the main points are about. (5 points)
  3. Turn in both technology worksheet and student hand book sheets with it signed by you and your parent. Show it to me before you turn it in. (10 points)
  4. Put together your three ring binder so that it can be organized into different units. Decorate it somehow with pictures, drawings or anything that is not inappropriate for school. (10 points)
  5. Put to a rhyme, poem or music my policy regarding leaving the class room during instructional time.
  1. Explain to me why we should or should not have to give an oral defense in class. (5 points)

Goal 2: Know safety rules and equipment for lab.

  1. On a sheet of paper summarize each of the lab rules into an abbreviated sentence that is no more than six words. (5 points)
  2. Draw a map of my room from an Ariel view and label where the Lab rules, fume hood, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, eye wash, material safety data sheets, exits an chemical closets are.
  1. Create a quiz that would test student knowledge on safety rules. At least 8 questions. (5 points)
  2. Make a drawing for each rule of the lab that would depict the concept that is trying to be taught.
  1. Create a song, poem, or rhyme that would tell me the rules of the class. (5 points)
  2. Do up flash cards that summarize each of the safety rules. (5 points)
  3. Give a step by step explanation of how to use 3 of the safety equipment or documents found in the class. (8 points)
  4. Watch safety video and list ten things you learned from it. (5 points)

  Goal 3: Know the different equipment that will be used in lab.

  1. Take an on line quiz on the equipment and score at least a 75%. (8 points)
  2. Draw your own picture of each piece of equipment and label it. (8 points)
  3. Make an index of each piece of equipment and label where I would find it. (Example: south side cabinet’s drawer B) (8 points)
  4. Do a power point presentation on the different pieces of equipment. (10 points)

Goal 4: Learn how to write up a lab.

  1. Have composition notebook with an index in front and pages numbered. (8 points)

B Layer Assignments

  1. Do the paper air plane lab and then write it up in your composition notebook the way it is explained on the lab write up sheet. (15 points)
  2. Separate sand, rock, salt and metal shavings using their physical properties. Then write it up in your lab book. (15 points)
  3. See what the relationship is between the distances a toy buggy goes and how long it takes. Get at least 7 data points. Then write it up in your composition notebook the way it is explained on the lab write up sheet. (15 points)
  4. Make a board game that incorporates all 4 goals from this unit.  (10 points)

A Layer Assignments

  1. Read three articles about tardy programs at other schools and then write Mr. Dahman a letter explaining why we should or should not change our policy. (10 points)
  2. Read three articles on how different schools deal with late assignments and decide if we should change our program here at Midway. (10 points)
100 - 90 89 -80 79 -70 69 - 60 59 - 50